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"Oh wow." I whispered, tearing up. "Thank you." I said and wiped my eyes as she gave me a towel to wipe all of the gel off of my stomach. "You're so welcome!" She said.

She gave me a bunch of tips and things I need to do, what not to do, when to come in for appointments, what to and not to panic about, and just everything I needed to know. She also gave me morning sickness pills that I took instantly.

She gave me her number just incase of emergencies and I thanked her and left. I got in my car and squealed, doing a little dance. I then looked down at my stomach and lifted my shirt. I looked at it and smiled, and then put my hands around it. My eyes watered and I laughed.

I'm gonna be one emotional bitch. God bless everyone that's gonna have to deal with me for the next few months.

I started the car and then drove to the t-shirt place. Once I got them all, I went to the store and grocery store and got a few other things that I needed.

After that I went home and set everything up.

I was beyond excited.

After everything was set up, including cameras in certain places, I sat down and watched tv in my room until my door was pretty much ripped open. "Oh my god. Thank god." Colby said and then went to flop ontop of me but I gasped and moved out of the way. He landed face first on the bed and groaned, causing me to giggle.

"Why did you do that?" He asked and then sat up. "Oh nothing. Anyways, I have something for you." I said and smiled at him. "Wait, before you do that, how did your appointment go? What's wrong?" He asked and I smiled. "It went really well." I said and then stood up. "Wait but what's wrong?" He asked, very confused and concerned. I just giggled and ignored him.

I walked over to him and stood in front of him. I lifted my shirt to show my stomach and his eyes went wide. "What are you doing?" He asked and I laughed.

I then put my hands on my stomach. "Here it is." I said and smiled at him. He looked at me confused. He looked at my stomach, then at my eyes, and then my stomach, and then back to my eyes, confused written all over his face.

He did this for a few seconds and then thought for a moment. He looked back up at me with wide eyes. "Oh my- oh my god are you pregnant?!" He asked with a big smile and teary eyes.

I smiled and nodded. "Oh my god! We're gonna be parents!" He cheered and then stood up, picked me up, and spun us around as we giggled.

He set me down and then looked in my eyes and smiled. "I'm so happy." He said and then kissed me. I felt a mix of our tears falling onto my face I pulled away and we wiped our eyes and then giggled.

He pulled me in and hugged me tightly. He then pulled away and sat down, pulling me closer to him. He looked at my stomach and then smiled and put his hands on it. "Hi baby girl or boy. I love you and I can't wait to meet you." He whispered and then kissed my stomach.

He then looked up at me and smiled. "I can't believe it." He said and I nodded. "Me either." I a said and then gasped. "Oh! Wait here!" I said and then quickly got up and went to the bathroom. I grabbed the a pregnancy test and then brought it out, behind my back.

"Close your eyes and open your hands." I said. He nodded and did what I said. I laid the test in his hands and then stepped back. "Okay, open." I said. He opened his hands and looked down at the test and then smiled up at me.

He set it down and the held out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. I wrapped one arm around his shoulders and my other going to his hair to play with it as he rested his head on my stomach.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, him occasionally turning to kiss my stomach, until we heard everyone start arriving.

"They're here love." I said and he nodded. "Okay. I'll hide the test, you go down." He said and I nodded.

"Oh by the way, I already have everything planned out on how to tell them, so for now, keep it a secret please." I said and he nodded. "Let's do it soon though, I don't know how long I can keep it from Sam." He said and I laughed before making my way downstairs.

Here goes nothing.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now