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"So, what's up? Caleb just walked into my room and told me to get ready." Gus asked and chuckled.

Caleb and I looked at each other, not really knowing what to say. "Uh... guys?" Gus asked.

I turned towards Gus and gave him a small smile. "We wanted to talk..." I said and Caleb nodded.

"About...? You guys are acting hella weird." He said and I sighed. "Sorry. We just... I don't know. Let's just get to the point. We're worried for you." I said and Gus looked at us weirdly.

"Huh?" He asked. "We both are worried. Your nightmares just keep getting worse and we're starting to believe that they aren't just about Scar being away..." Caleb said and Gus sighed.

"I'm fine guys really-" Gus said and shook his head but I cut him off. "No you're not and we know it. Tell us... please." I pleaded and stared at him in the eye.

He sighed and closed his eyes, letting his head fall. "Fine." He said after a few minutes, looking back up at us.

"I.... I feel like we're slowly splitting up and growing apart." He said quietly and looked back down.

It broke my heart, we all felt the same which made me really sad. I couldn't imagine my life without these guys and the fact that we all feel like we're splitting up... it hurts and it makes me really really sad.

I started tearing up and looked at Cay who had the same look on his face. We all did.

Gus looked back up and us and sniffled. "I hate it. I cant loose you guys and that's all that's been on my mind. That and the nightmares. They won't stop and they feel so real. I'm afraid they're gonna become reality..." he whispered the last part out and I had to wipe away a tear.

"I- um... yeah... we feel the same." Caleb said sadly and I nodded. "I don't wanna loose you guys." Gus said, his voice breaking at the end before he started sobbing. I stood up and pulled the boys up with me, bringing them into a group hug.

We all cried on each other shoulders and held each other as tight as we could. "You won't loose us." I croaked out. "Always and forever bro." Caleb said and sniffled. Gus and I nodded. "Always and forever." We repeated.

"We need to hang out more." Gus said after we all pulled away and sat down. I wiped my eyes and nodded. "We will. I promise. And again, you guys are welcome whenever you want." I said and they nodded.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a few, the only noise was the occasional sniffles from us.

All of the sudden, I gasp and say, "I know how to make you guys feel better." And then smiled.

I stood up and grabbed Gus's hand and pulled my shirt up, placing his hand where Aurora was kicking. He gasped and then looked at me with his mouth open. "I feel it!" He exclaimed.

"I want to feel! I want to feel!" Caleb said excitedly. Gus removed his hand and I turned to Cay, placing his hand where she was kicking. His mouth dropped open as well. "I feel it too!" He said.

Gus stood up and gently pushed me back so I would sit down. He then pushed me so I was leaning back against the couch.

"Lift your shirt a little." He said and then sat next to me, both boys moving towards me. I chuckled and then moved my shirt so they could see my bump.

"Hi bub!" Caleb said and looked down. She kicked and their eyes went wide as they gasped. I just giggled at them. "Woooooaaaah." They said as they watched her little feet press against my stomach.

"Hello little bean," Gus said and smiled. "I can't wait to meet you!" He finished. "Me too!" Caleb added.

They talked to the baby for a little while later, telling her stories and stuff before they wanted to read her a story. Which they did.

I found it adorable that they loved her so much already. It made me so happy.

They're gonna be great uncles.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now