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I made my way downstairs with a big smile on my face. Gus saw me and smiled as well and then came up to me and hugged me. "Sup loser." He said and I looked at him weirdly. "You're so weird." I said and shook my head as he laughed.

"So, why are we all here?" Tom asked and I rolled my eyes. "What? Are you not happy to be here big brother?" I asked. "Nope, I hate it here." He said. "But you live here...?" I said and he shrugged.

Just then Colby came walking down the stairs and over to me. "Okay. So, I thought we all could just hang out together because we haven't done this in a while. Also, Sam, me and Colby have to talk to you. But anyways, foods in the kit-" I started but was interrupted. "Say no more." Gus said and instantly started walking towards the kitchen.

"I-okay then. Sam, come here." I said and we walked outside. "What's up?" He asked. "So we have something to tell you brother." Colby said and smirked. "What's that?" He asked.

"You're gonna be the best uncle ever," I said and smiled. Sam smiled as well. "Thanks? I guess." Sam said and chuckled. "You didn't let me finish, in nine months." I said and smiled.

He scrunched his eye brows while looking at us and then the realization hit him, causing his eyes to go wide and his mouth to drop. "You're pregnant?!" He asked with a giant smile. "Yep." I said and he attacked Colby with a hug.

"Congrats man!" He cheered. "Thanks brother. I'm so excited but nervous." Colby chuckling. Sam pulled away and hugged me as well. "Congrats Scar." He said and I smiled. "Thanks Sammy." I said and he nodded.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" He said and pulled away. "Thank you." Me and Colby said at the same time. "Am I the only one that knows?" He asked and I nodded. His eyes went wide. "Even before Gus and Caleb?!" He asked and I nodded. "They're next." I said and laughed.

"Do you want me to go get them?" He asked and I shook my head. "Nope, we have to go upstairs for that." I said and he nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna go back inside. Don't worry, my lips are sealed." He said and winked before going back inside.

Me and Colby made our way inside and instantly to the kitchen. I grabbed Gus and Caleb's wrists without even saying a word and dragged them upstairs with Colby laughing and following us.

We got to Gus and Caleb's doors and then they looked at me. "What's going on? What are we doing?" Gus asked. "Open your doors and find the note and present." I said and they nodded.

We waited a few minutes before I heard Caleb say "OH MY GOD!" "What?! What is I- OH MY GOD!!!" Gus said. They ran out with a shirt, a pregnancy test, and a note.

"Holy shit bitch! You're pregnant!" Gus said and I nodded. I noticed they both had tears in their eyes, causing me to tear up as well. They dropped the stuff and wrapped me in a tight group hug.

"I'm gonna be a un-" Gus started shouting but I quickly shut him up. "Shhh! You guys and Sam are the only ones that know. Keep it quiet." I said and laughed at Gus. He nodded and then they gave me separate hugs while congratulating us, and then they gave Colby a hug.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy, but I told you to use protection Cole!" Gus said and playfully slapped Colby, he just laughed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He said. "Okay, you can keep the notes and shirts, but I need the tests back." I said. They nodded and handed me them before walking back in. Caleb's said "uncle Cay" and Gus's said "uncle Gus"

Caleb's note said "I already know you're gonna be a great uncle." And Gus's said "I'm scared for my kid lol"

We made our way downstairs and it was now time to tell Kat and Tom.

I grabbed them and we made our way towards my room.

Oh god... here we go.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now