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We walked up to the door and saw everyone patiently waiting for us. "Hurry up and get in here!" Kat said.

Never mind.

We walked up to the door and saw everyone impatiently waiting for us.

"Okay, okay." Colby said and chuckled. "Welcome home Rora." Colby and I said before he turned the car seat around and placed her on the ground as everyone gasped. Yes, even the people who have already met her.

"She's adorable." Everyone gushed and walked up to her. Aurora looked around at everyone with a frown.

"Aww baby. It's okay, this is your family." Colby said and crouched down. She looked over to him and he smiled and took her hand, waving it around causing her to smile.

Everyone hovered over her and eventually passed her around, holding her and taking to her before I needed to bring her upstairs and into her room to feed her.

As I brought her upstairs, I made sure to go in every single room, including the back, with Colby to show her.

"And this is your room." I said and then went over to the chair we had in there and sat down.

"Okay, let's feed you." I said and then got situated. "I'll be down stairs if you need me." He said and then smiled and turned to leave.

"Daddies so cute." I said and giggled. "You're already so smart. Even the doctors said you are. You're just like uncle Cay. Definitely not uncle Gus. You're the opposite of him. Don't worry though, that's a good thing." I said as she ate, and winked at her.

I then giggled and shook my head. "I love uncle Gus though, we just have an...interesting friendship." I said and laughed.

"I know our friendship might be confusing but you want to make sure you get friends like mommy's. If you have friends like me, you're set for life. Trust me." I said and smiled down at her.

"Yeah, Gus and I may fight all the time but that's just what our friendship is. We know we're just joking and that we love each other. Mommy and Caleb never really fight like that because mommy physically can't be mean to uncle Cay." I said and laughed.

"Your mom is hilarious, just letting you know." I said and grinned.

I finished feeding her and then burped her and brought her back downstairs.

"Where's my favorite niece?!" Caleb said and ran to me. "Hi sweetheart!" He said and grabbed her from me. I laughed and followed him into the kitchen where Mrs. Brock was cooking with the girls while the guys talked.

"Oh girls, I could've made something. You didn't have to." I said and pouted at their kindness.

"No no, don't be silly dear. You've been through a lot these past few days. Go sit down and relax. It's no problem." Mrs. Brock said and smiled.

I bit my lip and thought. I really didn't want to just sit and make them do everything. "I can help at least. You guys are the guests." I said. "Oh sweetheart. Colby dear, make her sit down and rest. You deserve it." She said the last part to me.

Colby came up and dragged me to the table, pulled out a chair for me to sit in, and gently pushed me down. "But-" I started but was interpreted. "Moms orders." He said and held his hands up in defense while shrugging.

I rolled my eyes and sighed with a smile. "Fine." I said and leaned back in the chair.

The girls made us lunch and desserts and then set the table for us. "Thank you guys." I said with a smile while grabbing some food. "It's no problem!" Mrs. Brock said and smiled at me.

Caleb passed Aurora to me and I put her in her little bouncer and then sat down and started eating.

"So... wedding planning." Kat said and raised her eye brows while taking a bite of food. I laughed and Colby's eyes went wide.

"Kat she literally just gave birth." Colby said and Kat let out an annoyed breath. "So?? Who cares! We need to start planning because you guys have nothing." She said. "Oh god." Colby mumbled.

"She does have a point." I said and pointed my fork at her. "See? She gets me." Kat said and crossed her arms, leaning back in the chair.

"I'm kidding, you can obviously start planning. I'm just teasing you." Colby said and grinned at Kat causing her to stick her middle finger at him, making us all laugh.

We finished eating and then Colby went to put Aurora to sleep as Kat dragged me outside with a tablet and a piece of paper and everyone else left.

Colby's parents and Gage are staying at a hotel because they insisted that we just got back and we needed some space.

"Come ON! Let's go!" Kat said impatiently, breaking me from my thoughts, causing me to chuckle.

Wish me luck.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now