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It's been 2 months and I'm now 6 months along. Tomorrow is the baby shower and I'm super excited because everyone is coming, and I mean everyone.

Alice, Marie, the kids, Mike, Gage, Colby's parents, and the whole friend group.

Colby and I had went to Kansas almost 2 years ago and I absolutely adore his family. His parents are the sweetest and Gage and I just clicked, kinda like Mike and I.

Over the years Mike and I's "friendship" has grown and we're really close. Marie and I's as well. We all still don't like lilly, and Alice and I rarely talk but she's nice.

She's still my sister so I fell it's only right that I invite her, lily though? No.

Absolutely not.

Anyways, Colby is out getting his parents and Gage from the airport right now and I'm waiting for the text from Marie that they landed.

I couldn't wait to see them, especially Lucas and Thomas.

I talk to Marie and Mike all the time but most of the time Lucas is at preschool and Thomas is either sleeping or playing.

Once I got the text, I got up and grabbed my keys, putting my phone in my back pocket. "ILL BE BACK!" I yelled and then ran to my car, quickly getting in and starting the engine.

I shot Marie a text saying that I was on my way, and then told Colby that they landed and that I was going to be picking them up now.

Once that was done, I hooked my phone up and started playing music as I pulled out of the driveway, and started my drive to the airport.

I jammed out to my favorite songs with the window down as the wind whipped through my hair.

So, I listened to them.. on repeat.. the whole time... don't judge me, it put me in a really good mood!

When I got to the airport, I turned the volume down and texted Marie and then got out. I waited a few minutes before I saw them all walking out, looking around for me.

I waved my hand and smiled. Mike caught my eye and then smile and nudged Marie. They quickly walked to me and then put their stuff down before Lucas jumped into my arms, Thomas doing the same thing.

"Hi babies!" I exclaimed as I hugged them. "Aww-e!" They both cheered, causing me to pull away and smile. "My favorite sister In law." Mike said causing Alice's jaw to drop. I laughed and then Mike pulled me in for a hug.

"It's been forever." I said and then pulled away. "It has." Marie said and then pulled me in for a hug.

"I missed you guys so much! I'm so excited." I said and then pulled away from Marie and hugged Alice.

"It has." They agreed. After a second or two, I pulled away and smiled. "Oh you're getting big!" Mike said looking at my bump. "Oh wow thanks Mike." I said with a sarcastic smile. "You know I didn't mean it like that." He said and laughed as I nodded. "I know, I just like messing with you." I said and laughed.

"So, has Colby felt the baby kick?" Marie asked as Mike started putting the car seats in my car. "No." I said and sighed. "He's either not there or doesn't make it on time. He's determined though." I said and laughed.

"Mike was too." Marie said and I nodded. "Alright boys, come here to get in your seats." Mike said. "I've never seen a car like this, it's weird." He said and I rolled my eyes. "You're weird." I said and stuck my tongue out at him as Marie laughed. "You guys are like siblings I swear." She said and shook her head.

Mike got the kids situated and then Alice and Marie got in the back with the boys as Mike and I put their things in the trunk.

"Alright, let's go." I said as we got in the car. I put on some music for the boys as we drove back.

When we got there, we got out and I helped with their bags. "Jesus this house is huge." Marie said and looked up at it. "That's what she said." Alice mumbled so we could only hear, causing us to laugh. Lucas and Thomas looked at us like we're were crazy and then ran up to the door, us following.

They ran inside, causing Colby to turn around and smile. "Un-ole!" The yelled as he crouched and opened his arms with the biggest smile on his face.

They ran into his arms and shared an adorable group hug that melted my heart.

I know he's gonna be a great dad.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now