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It's been a few months, I'm currently now 4 months along, and Sam and Colby have been doing series after series. They're working so hard and I'm so proud of them.

Obviously it's different from when the fight happened, he calls everyday that he can, and if he can't, he texts me saying he won't be able too.

Today the boys are coming home and it's perfect because it's the day of our gender reveal.

I already know, so I guess it's a reveal for everyone else. Which I'm totally fine with. I'm so excited to see everyone's reactions.

It's gonna be priceless.

I'm setting everything thing up when Kat runs out. "Scarlet! It's your boyfriedddd." She sang out and handed me my phone.

"Hi baby!" I said excitedly and put the food out. "Hi baby... how's everything going?" He asked. He sounded nervous which made me nervous.

"Uh.. it's good. Um.. is everything okay? You sound weird. Like somethings wrong." I said and he sighed.

"Uh yeah um.. I.." he stuttered and then sighed. "We can't make it." Colby said causing my heart to shatter. "O-oh." I said and looked down as tears sprung to my eyes.

"I'm so sorry. There's a delay. Some kid- well someone our age, wasn't following the rules and doing stuff- I don't know, they wouldn't tell us much but we could hear them screaming at each other so they made us all stop and are trying to get us back up but they have to look through his luggage and then start it all back up- it's gonna be a while." He said and I let a few tears fall as he was talking.

I couldn't believe it. I'm obviously not mad at Colby but this seriously sucks. Now they'll miss the gender reveal.

"Do you want me to just tell you guys the gender now or-" I asked and sniffled. "No! No, we can do a little mini reveal when Sam and I get back." He said and I nodded. I then realized that we weren't FaceTiming, meaning he couldn't see me.

"Okay." I said quietly. "I'm so so so sorry Babygirl. Sam is too. We wish we could be there." Colby said and I nodded. "I wish you were here too." I said quietly. "Do you just want me to wait to do this until you get here?" I asked.

"No baby, it's okay. I'll be here before you know it. Have fun, don't drink." He said the last part sternly causing me to slightly giggle.

"I won't." I said. "Okay. Again, I'm so sorry." He said. "It's not your fault." I said and he sighed. "If you say so. I'll let you go now. I'm sure you're still doing stuff. I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said and then I hung up.

I put my phone down and let out a shaky breath of air.

It sucks. Everything about this sucks.

I just wish he could be here, both of them. Especially because it's Colby's baby and Sam's niece/nephew.

I took a deep breath before I turned around and went back into the kitchen to get more food. Along the way, I had to keep wiping tears.

I hate that I'm so emotional but it's worth it.

When I walked in, of course, Gus was there. "What's wrong?" He asked once he saw my tears, changing his once happy smile to a concerned frown.

"Uh.. Sam and Colby aren't gonna make it." I said and his jaw dropped. "Yeah um.. he said something along the lines of, there was this kid our age that wasn't listening at all so they landed and got him off." I said and sniffled.

"That's so stupid." He said and scoffed. "We tend to not have very good plane experiences." I said and laughed slightly at the memory of Tom's plane "boyfriend". That's what we call that guy now.

"Ahh yes, Tom's boyfriend. I'm never gonna forget him." Gus said and thought for a second before he shook himself out of his thoughts and made his way over to me with open arms.

"Come here." He said and pulled me in for a hug. "It just sucks. The last time he went away for a long time, we got into this huge fight. And now that he's gone, he's been missing most appointments and now is gonna miss the gender reveal." I said and sighed as we rocked back and forth.

"It's gonna be okay bubbles." I heard from behind me causing me and Gus to pull away and look behind me. "Pop-pop." Gus and I both said and smiled. "Wipe those tears bubbles. It'll be okay. Time will fly by and he'll be here. Don't you worry about it. Yes, he might be missing out on some important things, but that's so he doesn't miss out on the most important things." He said and I nodded. "I guess." I said and sniffled.

"It just sucks." I said and sighed. "I know bubbles, I know." He said. "SCARLET!! EVERYONES GONNA BE HERE SOON!" Kat yelled from the other room.

"I guess I better finish getting ready then." I said and then walked away.

This really sucks.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now