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"Goodbye our one week only humble abode." Gus said and looked up at the lake house. "What?" Caleb and I asked, turning to face him, me pointing the camera we were using to film our goodbye with, at him.

He looked over at us and shrugged, causing Caleb and I to giggle. "Bye cabin. You truly were amazing and you will be missed." I said and sighed. "We love you!" Caleb yelled as I put my hand on my belly.

"Bye bye." We all said and then got in the car and started the drive back to their house.

It feels so weird calling it 'their house' and not 'our house' but I live in a separate house now.

That's still so crazy to me.

I didn't think about it much longer, wanting to rid the thoughts and overthinking out of my mind.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love living with Colby and love that we're going into this next chapter of life together, but I'm just not fully used to it yet.

I still miss living with the boys and Kat and it's really hard for me to let go of it and all of the memories.

I rid myself of the thoughts again, and enjoyed the few hours I had left with the boys until we hung out again.

"Calebbbb" Gus and I whined. We had been secretly texted and we both came to the conclusion that we wanted food.

"Whattt?" He mocked back. "We're hungry." I said and pouted. "Now we can't have that, can we?" He said. "No, no we can not." I said.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked. "Taco Bell." I groaned as Gus groaned "Chipotle" we snapped our heads to each other and glared.

"Which one?" Caleb asked. "Well me and Rora want Taco Bell so if you want to be on both of our good sides and possibly claim favorite uncle, we're going to Taco Bell." I said and grinned, knowing I instantly won.

"Scarlet wins." He said. "Yay!!" I cheered as Gus huffed out a breath and crossed his arms, slouching in his seat.

Gus huffed out another breath and slouched back further into his seat.

"Why are you huffin' and puffin'? What are you, a damn 30 year smoker?" I asked causing us all to burst out laughing.

The ride with filled with laughs, Taco Bell, and singing as we continued to their house.

"You guys will see me soon, I promise." I said. We were standing outside of the house, saying goodbye.

"You guys are literally acting like we're never gonna see each other ever again." I said and chuckled.

"That's cuz it feels like it." Gus whined. "Y'all would be terrible uncles if you just up and left even before she was born." I said and grinned while placing my hand on my belly. "Ugh you're right." Gus said and we laughed.

I felt my phone ding so I looked down to see a text from Colby.

"Alright guys, Colby's getting impatient so I gotta go but I love you guys so, so much and again, visit whenever." I said and pulled them both in for a hug.

"We love you too." They said. We pulled away and I hugged Caleb and then Gus.

"Okay, bye guys. I'll see you soon!" I said and then waved and got in the divers side of the car, just as they said their goodbyes.

I waved to them as I pulled out of the driveway, and then started back to my house.

Im so excited to see Colby and I know he's excited to see me.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now