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Everyone ran around saying hi to everyone as I walked over to Colby's brother. "Well if it isn't my favorite little sister!" Gage cheered and hugged me, twirling me around as we laughed.

He set me down and I saw Colby giving Gage a playful glare. "Stop trying to steal my girl, brother." Colby said, causing Gage to laugh.

"SCARLET STUART!!" I heard Kat yell causing my eyes to go wide. She ran in and straight to the kids once she saw them.

She gave them hugs and then stood back up and glared at me and Mike looked at her with his jaw dropped. "What are we?! Chopped liver or something!?" He asked and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Woooow I know how it is." He said and I laughed. "You." She said as the kids ran off to play. "What the hell did I do?!" I asked.

"Why are there white claws in your room?! You can't drink those!!" She exclaimed with her hands. I folded my lips in my mouth, trying to keep me from laughing, but I couldn't hold it in any longer, I laughed.

"What!? It isn't funny!" She said and Gus laughed too. "You do realize who she's dating- sorry, engaged to, right?" Gus asked and she thought for a moment. "Oh! Right! Okay!" She exclaimed, now happy, and skipped out of the room.

"She gives me whiplash." Gus said and I laughed. "Me too." I said and fanned myself. It was getting hot from all of this laughter, and the fact that it was hot LA.

"Oh Scarlet! Hello dear!" I heard Lesa, Colby's mom's joyful voice call out from behind me. I turned around and smiled. "Hi! I missed you guys!" I said as she pulled me in for a hug. "We did too! Oh! You're getting so big. How far are you?" She asked. "6 months." I said and smiled as she did the same.

"Hey Scarlet." I heard Colby's dad, Layne call out to me. "Hi!" I said as I made my way over to him and hugged him.

"It's so nice to see you guys after such a long time." I said and smiled at them. "It's good to see you too sweetie." Lesa said.

"Oh! You haven't met my family, have you?" I asked them, causing them to shake their heads.

"Obviously you won't be able to meet my mom, dad, or Pop-Pop, but you might feel Pop-pop, he's around. He always is." I said and chuckled as Lesa gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry they can't be here sweetie." Lesa said and Layne nodded. "Eh, I don't want them here, they don't deserve to meet her after everything they've done to us." I said and put my hands on my stomach.

"That's understandable. They did something to you that no parent should ever do to their child. Did you tell them at least?" She asked and I shook my head. "I haven't spoken to either of them in years." I said.

"I don't blame you." Layne said. "Yeah, but I've had Gus, Caleb, Kat, and Tom. I didn't need my parents." I said and then looked at the four of them who were talking to Gage, and smiled.

"And besides, like I said, Pop-Pop is here, he makes up for them." I said and smiled. "And I always will be bubbles, don't you forget it." He said causing my smile to grow.

Everyone here knew of my abilities, which helped because I didn't want them to think I was crazy or in denial.

"Anyways, how about I introduce you to my other family?" I asked, causing them to smile at the 'other family' part, signaling that they too were my family.

"That sounds lovely." Lesa said and smiled. We grabbed Gage as I lead them over to the kitchen where Mike was chasing the kids and Marie stood, leaning against the counter watching them with a smile.

"Oh, hey Scar." Marie said, catching Mike's attention. He looked up at us and smiled as he picked up the boys. "Hey. So, I want you guys to meet Colby's family. This is his mom Lesa, his dad Layne, and his brother Gage." I said and gestured to them.

"Guys this is my sister Marie, her husband Mike, and their two kids, Lucas and Thomas." I said. They greeted each other and talked for a few minutes before Gage, Lesa, Layne, and I all went to find Alice who was sitting and walking to Gus.

"And this is my other sister, Alice." I said. "Oh, hi." She said and waved.

"Alice, this is Colby's mom Lesa, his dad Layne, and his brother Gage." I said. "It's nice to meet you sweetheart." Lesa said. "You too." Alice said and smiled.

"And everyone knows me." Gus said and smirked. "Who wouldn't when you're so loud and full of yourself?" I said jokingly, causing him to dramatically gasp and Gage to laugh.

"If you weren't pregnant right now, I'd chase you and beat your ass." He said and I smirked. "I'd still win, pregnant and all." I said and his jaw dropped.

"I'm kidding. You know I love you." I said and rolled my eyes. "You better." He said causing me to raise my eye brows at him.

"But I love you too best friend." He said and grinned.


Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now