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"Alright mom, alright dad, let's goooooo!" Gus yelled and dragged us to the store. "Do you think Colby's mad that your my mom and Cay's my dad?" Gus asked. "Huh?" I asked.

"You and Caleb are my mom and dad but do you think Colby would get upset if I said that?" He asked. "No? I have no idea." I said and laughed.

"You can ask him when we get back or something though if it's bothering you that badly." I said and shrugged as Cay got a cart for us.

"Okay." He said and sighed dramatically as I looked at Caleb. We both grinned and rolled our eyes before all of us went around the store and quickly got the stuff I would need to make dinner and the pie I made Colby and I before, and then we made our way home.

"Coooooollllbbbyyyyy" Gus dragged out as Cay and I unloaded the groceries. "What's up?" He asked as he walked in holding Rora.

"Oh hi my loves." I said with a smile and went up to them. I kissed Colby and then kissed Aurora's head and then went over to start making dinner with Caleb as Colby sat down with Aurora in his arms.

"So... we need to talk." Gus said and sighed as I looked at Cay and tried not to laugh.

"Uh... it kinda feels like I'm being broken up with but okay." He said and chuckled nervously as I quietly giggled.

"I just want to make sure you know that Caleb and Scarlet are my parents. And I know that it's weird because Scar is your wife and baby momma but it's been that way since forever and I just want you to know." He said and Colby just stared at him with a confused face.

"Huh?" He asked and I laughed. "Ugh you guys suck." Gus groaned. "Caleb and Scarlet are my parents and I just wanted to tell you and clarify that it's obviously not technical, they are and will forever be my parents." He said.

"Babe, what the hell is he talking about?" He asked as the two of us and Caleb laughed.

"He basically wants you to know that Caleb and I are his "parents" but he doesn't want you to be jealous and upset because well, you know how parents work." I said and gestured to Aurora as he smirked.

"Mmhmm." He said slowly making me roll my eyes playfully. "Anyways, he just doesn't want you to be jealous or upset because I'm "his mom" and Caleb is "his dad" even though we're together and Caleb is just my best friend. Does that make sense?" I asked and Colby chuckled.

"Yeah." He said and nodded. "It wasn't that hard to understand Cole." Gus mumbled. "Whatever helps you sleep at night Gustus." He said and smirked at Gus making me roll my eyes once Gus whined. "That's not my name!"

I shook my head and chuckled before continuing to cook as Colby and Gus had fake arguments.

"Okay, anyways, dinners ready!" I announced, interrupting their bickering. "Yay! Food!" Tom yelled and came in.

Everyone sat down and talked as they all ate and I fed Aurora and quietly sung to her in the living room. Once she was fed though, I brought her into the kitchen and set her up in her swing as I sat down to eat and join in on the conversation.

The conversation was... interesting to say the least.

It's honestly better if you didn't know.

Just as we finished, our family started arriving so we all went outside to greet them.

I took a second to take a step back and look around at my family and friends. It made me happy to see everyone interacting and reuniting with each other.

We eventually helped everyone get to their cabins before we all went back to Colby and I's to have the pie.

We all just stood around and talked as we ate the pie. After a while Aurora got fussy though, so Colby and I brought her to bed.

"Good night baby girl. I love you." I whispered and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Good night princess. I love you." Colby said quietly and kissed her head before I grabbed his hand and lead him back down to where everyone was.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now