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We spent the rest of the day and night at the pool, mostly all talking and being entertained by Lucas and Thomas.

It is currently 11 pm and I'm exhausted. I had already said goodnight to everyone so now all I have to do is find Colby. Once I spot him, I notice that he's talking with Gage. I walked up to them and smiled.

"Hey guys. I'm exhausted and need to get up early tomorrow so I'm just gonna go to sleep now." I said. "Okay. I'll be up shortly." Colby said and kissed my head.

"Night Scar." Gage said and smiled, opening his arms for a hug. I hugged him and then pulled away. "Night Gage." I said and then walked up the stairs.

Once I got to the top, I put my hand on my stomach and huffed out a breath. Jesus this kid was taking a toll on me.

I giggled a little and then made my way towards my room. When I got there, I opened the door and felt off. I looked around and then gasped when I saw the tall shadow from Maine, standing in the corner and staring at me.

"Shit. Pop-pop!" I yelled, trying to focus on what we have been practicing. It was for moments like this. All I had to do was picture a door for Pop-pop and open it for him.

That way it was easier for him to come through, sometimes even interact, and to get here very quickly, which he did.

The... thing...demon... or whatever, came closer and closer to me as Pop-pop stood in front of me, protecting me.

"Scarlet, you need to go." He said. "What?! No! I'm not leaving you!" I said as it growled at us and came closer.

"Yes you are. I can take it. I'm not alone. Not only that but you need to protect yourself and the baby. Go get Gus. He can watch and make sure we're fine if you really want him to but you need to leave." He said, not taking his eyes off of the demon.

"Okay. Please be carful." I said and then turned around and gasped as a shit ton of other spirits were right in front of me. "Um... excuse me." I said as I pushed my way through the crowd.

My life is an actual book or movie or some shit.

I quickly made my way downstairs, trying to block the sound of upstairs so I wouldn't turn around and try to help. But I couldn't, I need to protect Aurora.

I ran out the back door and searched for Gus. When I spotted him, I made my way over to him as quickly as possible. "Gus! GUS!" I yelled. He turned towards me and his eyes went wide.

He rushed over to me, Colby quickly following since they were having a conversation with Mike.

"What's wrong." He asked. "It's Pop-pop. Upstairs. Go but be careful. It's up there." I said as tears fell out of my eyes.

He nodded and ran towards the stairs. Colby stepped towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

Usually I'm not so upset about this stuff but with being pregnant, I am now. "Shh he's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay." He said as he kissed my head and played with my hair in attempt to calm me down.

I was heavily breathing and tears were falling out of my eyes as I hugged Colby tightly.

"What's going on?" Tom asked as everyone jogged over towards us, making sure I was okay. I motioned for Tom to bend down towards me and he did. I whispered in his ear what was happening and his eyes went wide. He told Caleb, Kat, and Sam as Colby told everyone else that something happened but it's nothing to worry about.

Nothing to worry about my ass.

Although, I was thankful that he said that because everyone nodded and made their way away from us.

We all nervously waited around for Gus to come back before him and Pop-pop finally did. "Pop-pop." I breathed out and closed my eyes, leaning back on Colby.

"I'm okay Bubbles." He said and put his hand on my shoulder as Colby wrapped his arms around my waist.

I opened my eyes to see Gus looking around with slight wide eyes. I furrowed my brows as I looked at him. "What's wrong Gus." I asked. "That was... a lot to see." He said and breathed out.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked. "I mean I saw it... all of it." He said and shook his head. I moved away from Colby and towards Gus and hugged him.

"How the actual hell do you look at that shit and not shit yourself?!" He asked as he hugged me tightly and I laughed.

"You get used to it. How did you see them?"I asked, pulling away. He pointed to Pop-pop and I nodded. "Ah." I said.

"I'm gonna have nightmares." Gus whined.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now