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When I walked in, Colby turned to me and smiled. "Hi baby." He said and turned back to keep editing. "Hi." I said and made my way over to him.

"Is everything okay?" He asked and I shrugged "I dunno." I said and lightly pushed him back so I could sit on his lap.

When I sat down, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I buried my face into his neck as he started editing again.

I sat there with him for a little while, watching him edit, until I got too tired and fell asleep.

I woke up being carried into our room. I looked up at Colby and smiled. He looked down at me and smiled as well. "Well hello beautiful." He said, causing me to blush and giggle. That made him smile even more, making his dimples pop out.

"Hi handsome." I said and yawned. He opened our door and then closed it with his foot. He walked over to the bed and gently set me down.

He walked over to the closet and grabbed one of his t-shirts and passed it to me. We got dressed, Colby just leaving his boxers on and throwing on some joggers.

We got all comfy and cuddled up and then Colby spoke up.

"What were you and Caleb taking about?" He asked. "Gus." I said and sighed. "What about Gus?" He asked.

I explained to him the nightmares he's been having and practically everything Caleb and I talked about.

"Ugh I have to go to the grocery store with you?" He groaned out, causing me to lift my head and look at him. "Uh- excuse me kind sir. Why don't you want to go with me?" I asked.

"It's not that I don't want to go with you it's that I don't wanna go at all." He said. "If you say sooooo." I said and rested my head back in his chest as his hand found my hair and played with it.

"I'll go with you I guessss." He said and sighed. "No it's okay. I'll just drop you off before I go." I said. "No I want to go." He said, causing me to raise my eyebrows at him. "I thought you didn't?!" I said. He just smirked at me.

"You're so confusing." I mumbled and then shook my head as he laughed.

"I'm getting hungry." Colby said after a few minutes. "Do you want me to make you something or do you just want to get post mates?" I asked and he laughed. "I don't think we have any proper food." He said and I chuckled and nodded.

"You're right, we don't." I said and laughed.

"What do you wanna eat?" He asked. "Chinese." I said and groaned at the thought. Colby laughed again. "I can tell." He said and smirked.

He ordered us food and we continued to cuddle and talk but this time on the couch as we waited for the food to arrive.

Once it got here, Colby got up and got it as I got plates, silverware, and drinks. We sat down and ate, continuing to watch our show.

Once it was over we cleaned up and Colby talked to Sam as I did the dishes and laundry since we had some from before.

After a while we got really tired and decided to go to bed.

When I woke up, I got Colby up and we got ready before I made us breakfast and then wrote a list of everything we needed.

"Ooo, add Oreos to the list." Colby said and I nodded. "Good idea. Cookies too." I said and he nodded. "Yes." He agreed. "Ooo and I can't forget Cesar salad stuff and pineapple juice!" I exclaimed and wrote all of it down as I wrote.

"And tortillas and chicken for your chicken Cesar salad wraps." He reminded me as I nodded and wrote it down as well.

Over the past year I've been obsessed with pineapple juice and Cesar salad. Chicken Cesar sale wraps as well.

I have them at least once a day. They're just too damn good!

Colby always makes fun of me because I eat it and drink it all the time. But I don't care. That shit is so  good.

A couple of weeks ago I had 5 wraps and 2 mini salads in one day... the only other thing I had was a strawberry pop which I'm also addicted too.

I have no reason for it other than they are the best and I love them.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now