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It's been two days and we finally get to go home. Aurora is doing really well and passed all of the rights tests.

"Alright guys, ready to sign these discharge papers?" Lexi asked us excitedly. "More than you know." I said and laughed.

"Well, I know we're gonna miss you! Especially me," she said and winked. "You guys are just so sweet!" She said and clapped before handing Colby the papers

"I could say the same about you! If we have another, we're definitely coming here and to you." I said and smiled.

Lexi was ligit a girl version of Caleb but had a little more crackhead energy to her. Not in a bad way though. She was honestly so sweet.

"Awww, thank you so much." She said and smiled before pulling me in for a hug. I hugged her for a few before pulling back.

"I wish you guys the best. Here's my number if you ever need help." She said and passed me a piece of paper. "Thank you." I said and smiled sweetly before turning towards Colby. "Ready babe?" I asked and he smirked.

"Yup." He said popping the 'p'. We did everything we needed to do and then we put our stuff in the car, got Aurora settled in, and then got in the car.

"Ready?" Colby asked and grabbed my hand. "More than you know." I said and smiled before putting my seatbelt on. Colby did the same and then we started the drive home.

"Can you just text my mom and tell her that we're almost home? I told her I would tell her and then call her when we got there." He said and I nodded and grabbed his phone.

I sent the text and then set his phone down. I then turned to look at the little mirror that was attached to the seat so we could see Aurora, and noticed that she was awake and looking around blankly.

"Morning babygirl." I cooed making Colby look into his mirror to see her. He smiled and then focused his attention back on the road.

"Hi Rora." He said. She looked around for us and frowned once she couldn't see us. She then started crying causing me to frown. "It's okay baby." I cooed.

"What's wrong? Why is she crying?" He asked with so much concern it warmed my heart. "I think she's sad that she can't see us but confused on why she can hear us." I said and giggled.

"We're up here babygirl. It's okay. We're gonna be home soon." He cooed and looked back up at the mirror.

She stopped crying but she still had a pout on her face. Once we got home, I got out and excitedly opened her door. "See! Mommy's right here." I said. "You get the bags since they're light and I'll get her." Colby said and I nodded.

I got our bags and then closed the trunk and locked the car before making my way towards the house.

When I walked in, there was a huge banner hanging up. "WELCOME HOME!" Everyone yelled as they jumped out from their hiding spots.

I smiled and put my free hand on my mouth. "You guys." I said and teared up.

"You already look just like you did before! How is that even possible?" Mrs. Brock said and made her way over to hug me as I put my bags down.

"I honestly have no idea." I said and giggled before hugging her. "Nice to see you sweetheart." Mr. Brock said and smiled and then hugged me as I smiled. "You too." I said. "Sis!" Gage yelled and hugged me tightly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked once we pulled away. "Amazing." I said and smile. "SCARLET MOTHER FREAKING STUART!" Kat yelled and ran over to hug me. "BEST FRIEND!" Gus and Caleb yelled before tackling my gently in a hug.

"Hey sis." Tom said and gave me a long hug. "Scar! We missed you!" Sam said and gave me a big hug. "You saw me just yesterday." I said and giggled.

"Eh, still." He said. "Scar our star!" Jake said and gave me a hug. "Sup bitch! Damn, Colby was right. You look amazing." Tara said and hugged me as I laughed. "Thanks tara."

"Sup life saver! How's it going?" Corey said and hugged me. "It's going amazing. Love the nicknames. Very original." I said and laughed. "We're very og." Jake said and put his arm around Corey.

"Hi Scar! Congrats!" Dev said and smiled and then gave me a hug. "Thanks Dev." I said.

"Anyways, where's baby?" Gus asked. "Colby's getting her." I said. "I'm gonna go check on him though because he should be in here." I said and then turned on my heel and walked over to the car.

Colby was sitting in the back seat tickling Aurora's tummy making her smile. "Hey baby. Did you like your surprise?" He asked and smirked. "I loved it." I said and smiled.

"I'm glad. They weren't too rough on you, were they?" He asked more seriously causing me to giggle. "No, they were fine." I said causing him to smile. "Good. I wanted to wait for the craziness to calm down and for you so that we could bring her in together." He said making me smile.

"Thank you." I said making him smile. "Of course baby." He said and took her car seat out.

"Ready to meet your family and home?" I asked and she smiled up at me, warning my heart.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now