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I ended up putting headphones in to listen to some soft music and then finally drifted off to sleep, but woke up being jumped on.

"Ugh what?" I whined. "It's your wedding day bish! Wake up!" I heard Gabby say as she shook my arm and shoulder aggressively. "Normally I would push you off the bed and tell you to shut the hell up and let me sleep but I am far too excited for today." I said and sat up. I shooed Gabby out of the room and then stretched and rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes.

Once I was awake enough, I went over to Aurora's room. She was awake and staring up at the ceiling while cooing and waving her hands around. "Good Morning little Miss. Rora." I cooed and walked over to her.

She giggled at me as I picked her up, but then she instantly cuddled into me once she was in my arms. I smiled and rubbed her back before positioning her onto my hip. She laid her head on my shoulder so I kissed her forehead and then turned and headed out of the room.

We went down to the kitchen to see all of the girls waiting and making something. "Morning girls." I said with a big smile. "Good morning Bride!" Kat said and ran over to hug me. "How do you feel?" She asked when she pulled away. "The usual, overly excited but petrified." I said and nervously laughed. "No need to be nervous." Marie said with a smile and walked over.

"Can you tell me about your's and Mike's wedding? I feel like it'll make me feel better." I said and sat down with Aurora. "Of course. First lets get you two some food though." She said and slid me a plate with food. "Thanks sis." I said and stood up to get Rora's food.

We all ate as Marie told us her wedding story and how she felt through everything but how it was worth it in the end. I'm not gonna lie, it did make me feel a lot better since I could relate to everything she was saying, but I was still a little nervous.

I guess that's what happens when you're about to do something so important and special.

By the time we finished eating, the girls who were gonna do our hair and make up and stuff were here. We sat and talked while they worked their magic on us. Once they finished, it was already time to get dressed.

The girls took turns going in the bathroom to get dressed as I brought Aurora upstairs to get her ready. I put her in the adorable dress we had gotten her. The theme of the wedding was black and red so she had a dress which was black on top, and a flannel type bottom with a big red bow that separated the top from the bottom.

The reason why we chose red, black, and white was because we both love the color black and I also love the color red and we wanted to keep some tradition in there. So, I showed him some photo's and he was down. Plus we wanted a change.

I'm so excited.

I paired her outfit with some cute little white socks and shoes. She looks so damn cute. My heart is melting at how absolutely adorable she looks right now.

I took her with me into my room where one of the girls helping us was waiting for me. I set Aurora down on the ground to play with the little bear stuffed animal she got from me for Christmas. She is absolutely obsessed with that thing and Colby's scared because he said that if she's anything like me and she see's a bear, we'll both be running towards it.

She cooed and waved it around in the air and then gave it a cute little hug. Now that was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire existence.

I smiled and then stood up and went over to the lady who had my dress. She helped me get it on and then helped me with the last minute things and then lead me towards the mirror so I could see myself. Once I saw myself, I instantly teared up and brought my hand to my mouth just as Gus, Caleb, the girls, and Mike walked into the room. They all froze in place just as I did.

"I-" Gus started. "You-" said Caleb. "Wow" Kat whispered. They all complimented me and I quietly thanked them but to be honest, I wasn't really paying attention to them. I was stuck in a trance. This is really happening. I'm minutes from marring the love of my life.

In the dress that was one hundred percent made for me, with my blood family and my chosen one, and with my adorable little daughter all there to support us and be there to experience it.

I really just can't believe it.

It's so weird to think of how I got here, and the fact that I am here. If you told my younger self that I'd gotten over the asylum, met the love of my life, had his kid, am getting married to him, my chosen family has grown by a lot, I have a bunch more family than I thought, that I was a  physic, and that I was genuinely happy, I would never ever believe you.

I'm so blessed to be where I am today and that this is the path I was meant to take.

I can't believe it, but I also couldn't be happier.

The end

(Stay tuned for a not- so surprise on Friday😈)

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