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When I got home, I made sure to be as quite as possible seeing as though Colby thinks were still driving home from LAX...

I may or may not have told him that to get him back for the time he did something like that to me...

Anyways... I snuck inside and carefully made my way up to our room. I carefully pushed the door open to see a figure laying on our bed.

It was Colby sleeping.

I quietly giggled and then set my bags down and made my way towards the bed.

I crouched in front of it and played with his hair. I smiled at the sight of him.

I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his forehead, making his eyes shoot open.

"Scarlet?" He asked, his voice groggily. "Hi baby." I said quietly and then giggled.

He shot up and pulled me onto him carefully, making sure he didn't hurt me and wasn't to rough for my stomach and the baby.

I sat in his lap as he wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close to him. He buried his face into my chest as I placed my chin on top of his head and gently played with the back of his hair.

"I thought you just left LAX?" He questioned. "Surprise," I giggled. "I wanted to get you back for you telling me that you weren't gonna be home for the gender reveal." I said.

"I don't care. I'm just glad you're here. I missed you." He said and I nodded. "I missed you too." I said and then tightened my grip on him.

I sniffled a little bit, feeling the emotion consume me, causing Colby to quickly pull away and look at me.

"Baby, why are you crying?" He asked softly with a frown and wiped my tears away. "I'm just happy and emotional. You know, pregnancy and all." I said causing us to giggle.

I started to get up but he pulled me back no. "Don't leave me." He said and buried his head back into my chest. "I need to shower and get dressed and then brush my teeth and then we can cuddle." I said.

"Okay." He said and sighed.

30 relaxing minutes later I got out and made our way towards our bed.

"I'm tired." Colby said and sighed as he plopped down onto the bed and closed his eyes.

"Me too." I said and yawned. I crawled into bed and laid on my back. Colby moved over and laid his head on my chest, placing his hand under my shirt and onto my bump as I brought my hand to his head and started playing with his hair.

We tangled our legs together and I played with his hair as he traced shapes on my stomach.

We talked about our week and discussed things about the future. Things we needed to plan and get ready and stuff like that.

After a while, my stomach started to growl causing Colby to laugh. "Hungry?" He asked, looking up at me. My cheeks turned red as I brought my hands to my face and groaned.

Colby laugh and shifted around. He pulled my hands away from my face, leaning over me and smiled down at me.

"What would you lovely ladies like?" He asked with a smirk and I giggled but then brought my hand to my chin, thinking long and hard about what I was craving.

I groaned when I thought of exactly what would hit the spot. "Chicken tenders and silver dollars." I said. And he looked at me weirdly. "Huh?" He asked. "Just you wait. Let's run to the grocery store and- oh! Yes I need that okay. Come with." I said and pulled him off of the bed.

I went to the closet and threw him a shirt since he didn't have one on, and then I quickly got some pants on seeing as though I only had Colby's hoodie on, and then I grabbed my things, including Colby's hand, and practically ran out the door.

I quickly got in the passenger since Colby wouldn't let me drive, and he quickly got us to the grocery store to which I ran around and shopped, with Colby trailing behind me.

Once we were done shopping, we quickly made our way home. When we got there, I got out and grabbed the groceries and brought them in.

"Wanna help me cook?" I asked him excitedly causing him to chuckle and nod.

"Sure. What do I do?"

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now