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Colby picked me up and spun me around as I giggled. He then put me down and kissed me again. "I'm so excited! I can't believe we're having a little baby girl." He said and smiled and then put his hand on my stomach.

Just then, I was spun around and picked up again, being swung back and forth. "BEST FRIEND!!" Gus yelled as we laughed. He then set me down and hugged me.

"I'm so so proud of you. And congrats!" He yelled as he pulled away. "Thank you." I said.

"Congrats Best! I'm so so so happy and proud of you!" Caleb said and pulled me in for a tight, loving hug. "Thank you Cay." I said and smiled.

"Hey little sis. Congrats. I'm so proud of you but, if he hurts you, I'll kill him, remember that." Tom said and pulled me in for a hug as I laughed. "Oh I know." I said.

"AHHHH CONGRATS!!!!! EEEK IM SO EXCITED!!!" Kat yelled as she yanked me into a hug as I chuckled. "Calm down there Kat." I said and laughed.

"Congrats Scar! And uh, surprise." Sam said and chuckled as he pulled me in for a hug. "Thanks Sammy." I said and chuckled as well.

Everyone else came up to us and congratulated us, and also looked at and complimented the ring.

After that, we all watched the video back. I smiled throughout the whole thing and got teary eyed. Colby had his arm around my waist the whole time.

The video was truly adorable and I will seriously treasure it forever.

After that, we decided to have fun and celebrate. We all went inside and got our bathing suits on and then went back out to the backyard.

We ate a few things before the music was turned on, causing us to cheer, and then we got in the pool.

We splashed around for a little bit before Jake had an idea. "I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!" Jake yelled.

"Oh no." We all said and then laughed. "No no, you'll actually like this idea. I was thinking, we could do like...water games or something." He said.

"What did you have in mind?" Devyn asked.

"I don't know, maybe something having to do with the baby since its why we're here?" Jake asked and shrugged. "Oh! Like we do challenges and whoever wins gets to name the baby?!" Kat asked and Colby and I both quickly shot it down. "Absolutely not." We said at the same time.

"I have an idea." Caleb said, causing us to turn to him. "We should just have fun in the water, doing whatever, and then later, we can all write down names and Colby and Scar go through them, and if they like them, they name the baby that." Caleb said.

"That's an amazing idea because I have no idea what to name her." Colby said and laughed as I agreed. "Wow, Caleb really is the brains in this group." Tara said and we all agreed and then laughed.

We had an amazing time, it felt really good to be back with the whole crew.

Once it got dark and buggy out, we all went inside and got a hat and some paper and pencils.

"Okay, write down your best girl names and then Colby and I will go through them and see." I said. "Wait, we should do a middle name too, just incase we see two that we like." He said and I nodded. "That's good, yes I like that. Okay everyone, go ahead and start." I said.

After a few minuets, everyone was done and the names were in the hats.

"Okay, first one, Colleen. Haha real funny." Colby said and we all laughed at the Samantha and Colleen reference. "Oo, Josie. That's kinda cute." I said. We went back and forth, looking through the names.

"Bartholomew Junior the third? Really?" Colby asked and Jake shrugged. "I was thinking that or Jake jr, you decide." He said. I laughed and shook my head.

The next one I picked up, caused me to gasp. It was perfect and definitely the name I wanted.

"This is the one." I whispered. Just then, Colby gasped and then looked at me. "I have one too." He said and then looked down again.

"I have Aurora." I said. "I have Maisie." He said and I looked up at him and smiled.

"Aurora Maisie Brock." We said and smiled. "I love it." I said and Colby nodded. "I do too." He said. "Who had those names?" Colby asked. I gasped when I saw Gus, Sam, and Caleb raising their hands with giant smiles plastered on their faces. "I wrote Maisie." Sam said. "I wrote Aurora." Gus said. "I did too." Caleb said.

"Aww this is perfect. Thank you guys, it truly means a lot to me." I said and smiled as Colby wrapped his arm around my waist and nodded.

I wiped my tears and laughed.

How crazy is it that our bestest friends, our 4lifers if you will, chose the name of our first baby.

Crazy isn't it?

(Okay so I got this idea from wallflowerwrites but it was just so cute that I had to include it in. I hope you all enjoyed😘)

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now