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Eventually Colby called and asked me to pick him up so I just brought the boys back and I'm now on my way to Brennen's.

When I got there, I decided I would stop in and say hi so I got out of the car and walked up to the door. I knocked and Colby answered.

"Hi baby." He said and smiled. "Hi." I said and leaned up to kissed him. I pulled and away and smiled. "Where's Brennen? I wanna say hi." I said.

He opened the door and I walked inside. "Kitchen." He said and lead me there. "Hey Bren!" I said and walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"Scar! How's it been mama?" He asked and winked as we pulled away. I laughed and shook my head. Brennen. Always a flirt.

"I'm good. How are you?" I asked. "Glad to hear. I've been pretty good." "That's good. Now where's your dog?" I asked and smiled. His face dropped when I asked that. "Really?!" He asked and I giggled as Colby chuckled.

"What? I love my little Ko-Bean." I said. "Now where is my son." I asked sternly. "Um excuse me, he's my son!" Brennen exclaimed.

"Yeah, and he's Colby's son which makes him my son." I said in a "duh" tone. He rolled his eyes and pointed towards one of the rooms.

"He's in there." Brennen mumbled and I smiled. "Thanks!" I said and then took off towards the room. I opened it and Kobe started jumping on me.

"Hi baby!" I said and picked him up. I walked over to Brennen's couch and cuddled Kobe while the guys talked about something that I wasn't paying attention to.

"Babe?" I called, randomly. "Yes?" He asked, turning his attention to me. "Can we get a dog?" I asked and he looked at me with wide eyes and sucked in a breath.

"Uh...maaaayyybbeee." He dragged out and then went back to his conversation as I pulled my attention back to Kobe.

After a while, the exhaustion started to hit me hard and I almost fell asleep holding Kobe on Brennen's couch but I gathered all of the energy I had and got up. "Baby?" I asked tiredly as I walked into the kitchen.

"Yes love?" He asked and turned to me. "I'm getting really tired." I said and then yawned and leaned on Colby's shoulder. "Okay baby. Alright bro. We're gonna head out." Colby said.

We said our goodbyes and then got in the car, me in the passenger seat and Colby in the driver seat because none of us trusted me to drive right now.

As he drove, I tried to fight the sleep and tried my best to keep my eyes open and to stay awake but after a little bit, I gave up and let the darkness overcome me.

I woke up being carried up the stairs by Colby. "Hi baby." He said as he made it to the top of the stairs. "Hi." I mumbled and buried my face into his chest and closed my eyes.

He chuckled quietly and then opened the door and brought me over to the bed, placing me down gently.

He walked away from the bed and went to what I assume was the closet and then came back over to the bed. "Baby, let's get changed and then we can go to bed." He said and helped me sit up.

I was too tired to protest so I just let him help me and then plopped back down on the bed and cuddled under the covers. I heard Colby quietly laugh and then he started walking away from the bed.

"Cuddles please." I mumbled out. "One second baby." He said and then I felt the bed dip.

I instantly scooted towards Colby and then felt him wrap his arm around my waist and pull me towards him. I rested my head on his chest and threw my leg over his waist.

I smiled and then leaned up and kissed him before resting my head back and closing my eyes.

"Night baby. I love you so much." Colby said and then kissed my head. "I love you too." I said and then let sleep take over me.

It was actually a pretty good sleep too. I even had a good dream which was shocking.

Best sleep I've had in a while and I don't even know why.

(Alright y'all so as I was writing the part where Scar asked for Brennen's dog, I thought I had written something like that previously in one of my books but now I don't think I did. So now I don't know if I wrote it or I read it and I'm really confused😭 I'm also hella tired and I still have another chapter to write. Pray for me.)

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now