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We spent the day hanging out around the pool, everyone getting to know everyone as I spent most of my time in the kitchen. Gus recently got sunburnt so he was with me the whole time, keeping me entertained.

"But like... am I wrong?!" He asked. "Yes, yes you are." I said and laughed. "It makes perfect sense though! Outer space bro! Think about it!" He said and I looked at him like he was dumb.

"Aliens are real and they're coming down to kill us cause they're jealous. No one can tell me differently." He said and I laughed. "What's so funny?" Colby asked with a slight smirk as he came in.

"Gus is stupid." I said. "I AM NOT!" He said and Colby and I laughed. "Why does she think you're stupid?" Colby asked Gus and sat down. "Because he is." I said and Gus stared me down. "He was talking to me not you." He said and crossed his arms. "Well excuse me." I said and grinned at him.

"Yes, excuse you." He said and then turned to Colby. "She thinks I'm stupid because I really truly believe that Aliens are jealous of us and are coming down to kill us." He said and leaned back in his chair.

Colby tried not to laugh, but he couldn't hold it in, he bursted out laughing. "What!?" Gus asked. "How the hell did you come up with that?!" Colby asked, still laughing at him as I giggled and continued to cook.

"It's simple really. Think about it. Aliens are ugly. People like me? Beautiful. You? Hot as hell. The aliens are jealous of our looks and everything we have. Yeah, they may have UFO's and stuff but we got phones and social media and computers. They're jealous of it all. Therefore, they keep coming over here in attempt to kill us so they can take it all for themselves. Or maybe they just want to kidnap and torture us. I don't know. But I do know that they're jealous, selfish things." He said and I shook my head while laughing.

"Makes sense to me." Colby said and shrugged. "Oh god." I said. "Also, you think I'm hot as hell brother?" Colby asked and smirked at Gus. "Of course brother." Gus said with a smirk and winked at him.

"Oh lord. If you're gonna flirt with my boyfriend, do it somewhere else please." I said. "Say less." Gus said and stood up, dragging Colby along with him. He picked Colby up bridal style and walked towards the stairs.

"We'll be back in an hour!" Colby yelled as I laughed and shook my head, continuing to cook.

They ran back in a few minutes later, dying of laughter. "Oh god." Gus said and wiped some tears. "That was beautiful." Gus said and Colby nodded. "It was." He agreed.

"You guys are weird." I said and giggled. "Yeah, but so aren't you." Gus said and I nodded "Touché." I said.

The boys helped me for the next half an hour in the kitchen before everything was ready. "Gus, go get your sunblock, we don't want you anymore red than you already are." I said.

"Ew, you already sound like a mom." He said and I laughed. "Go." I said and pointed upstairs. He saluted to me and then walked out of the kitchen and to find some sunblock.

He came back down a few seconds later and started applying it as I put all of the food on treys with the help of Colby.

"Ugh. I need someone to get my back." Gus said. "Go help your boyfriend. I got the rest." I said to Colby. "You sure?" He asked and looked at me. I nodded causing Colby to smirk. "Come here boyfriend." Colby said and made 'come here' gestures with his fingers.

Gus licked his lips and went to Colby with a smirk. "You guys are too much." I said and laughed.

They looked at each other and then bolted out the room. I giggled as I heard them laugh from the bathroom.

I shook my head and then brought all of the food outside where everyone came over to start eating.

Gus and Colby came out a few minutes later, all sun-blocked up. I laughed and shook my head at them.

Whether I want to admit it or not, I love those boys so much.

Obviously for different reasons but still.

I truly couldn't live without them and I don't know what I would do if they weren't here.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now