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Once everything was completely set up, everyone besides Sam and Colby walked in wearing the color they thought the baby was, and greeted everyone. We had fun talking and laughing for a good hour before we decided to do the reveal.

People kept asking where Colby was but thankfully Gus told them and let me walk away so I didn't get too emotional.

I'm constantly emotional now so the littlest things set me off, sometimes I feel that it's my fault which causes everyone to tell me it's not and then I feel bad for always needing reassurance... I'm a mess to say the least.

"Okay are we ready? Does everyone have a confetti popper?" I asked and everyone said yes. Basically all of our friends are here and everyone's super excited.

"So I was thinking we should do a 10 second count down." I said and looked at Kat. She was holding a big balloon with a needle that Colby and I were supposed to pop together.

"Uh I was thinking 30." She said and I scrunched my brow. "That's a long time." I said and she shook her head.

"No no, I think 30 is good." Caleb said. "Suspense bubbles." Pop-pop said and chuckled. "Uh okay. 30 it is." I said and laughed.

"30...29...28..." we all said, but I stopped and turned around, seeing as though I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and gasped, my jaw dropping and my hand instantly flying up to my mouth.

There Colby was, right in-front of me on one knee, holding the most perfect, beautifully breath taking ring I've ever seen in a beautiful black box with red lace around it. Tears instantly brimmed my eyes as I stared into his eyes and at the ring.

"27...26..." everyone continued. "Surprise." Colby said and smiled.

"24..." everyone continued.

"Listen, I don't have a lot of time but I need to say this first,"


"ever since I met you, I knew that there was something about you, something so special." Colby said.


"Then, we got closer and I started developing feelings for you. But then... then you spilled your life to me.. I top of the abandoned building in the woods. You trusted me, after everything you've been through,"


"That, that was the moment I knew you were the one and that I loved you. That day was genuinely so special to me and I hope it was for you too." He said and I nodded.


"I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, our baby, and our crazy family," he said and we both wiped our tears.


"So, Scarlet Elizabeth Stuart, will you make the me happiest person ever and Marry me?" He asked and smiled up at me. I nodded quickly. "Yes!!!" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

He smiled and then quickly slipped the ring on my finger,


He pulled me in and kissed me. It was all passion and love.

"1!" Everyone yelled and then things popped and people screamed. Colby pulled away and looked around with the biggest smile on his face, me doing the same.

"Oh my god... oh my god!" Colby yelled. Everyone was screaming and jumping around, very excited clearly.

Colby looked at me with a huge smile. "We're having a girl?" He asked.

"Surprise." I said and then was pulled into a hug by Colby.

(Ahhh this is so cute and exciting! I loved this chapter so much and I'm sorry it's a little bit short lol.)

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now