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Once we arrived, Gus was very confused. But then he saw it.

He saw the-

"Lights?" He said and then gasped very loudly. "ARE WE AT A LIGHT SHOW THING!?" He yelled and I giggled. "Yup!" I said and then he screamed and wiggled in his seat as Caleb and I laughed.

"Excited, bud?" Caleb asked. "YES!" Gus cheered and Caleb chuckled. We drove through it and there was cool things that were made out of lights.

We all absolutely adored it.

We took lots of photos and video, posting them to our socials and sending them to Tom, Kat, Sam and Colby.

We also filmed for our channel and had a really good time. Once we were done with that, we went back to the house and went straight to bed.

The next morning, we got up and got ready. We were very excited for today since we were going to the movies. The new Halloween movie came out and we were really excited to see it.

"Ready?!" Gus called up to us. "Yup!" We exclaimed and then ran downstairs. We quickly drove to the movie theater.

When we got there, we quickly got out of the car and went inside. Caleb bought the tickets as Gus and I went over to the snacks and drinks.

This is quite honestly great practice for me because Gus is practically Caleb and I's child.

Like yeah he's tough and all hard core and shit with other people but with us he's a complete idiot.

"Hmm what should we get?" Gus asked. "Obviously popcorn." I said and Gus groaned. "Yes but it needs to be drowning in butter." He said. "Yes." I groaned.

"We need candy too though. Pick out whatever the hell you want. I'll pay. Cay is coming over here right now so we'll all pick out whatever." Gus said. "That is absolutely fine with me." I said and took off, looking for the candy I wanted.

Once we got all of our candy that we wanted, we went up to the counter to pay and get our popcorn.

"Oh my god! Gus, Caleb and Scarlet right?! I'm a huge fan of you guys!" A girl a little younger than us said as we placed our things on the counter.

"Yes hi! Thanks for supporting us! What's your name?" Caleb said as we all laughed.

"Gabby." She said and smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you, Gabby." Gus said. "You too! What can I get for you?" She asked. "Popcorn but absolutely drown it in butter." Caleb said and chuckled.

We made small talk with Gabby and she's such a sweet and funny person.

We actually got her number because we just instantly vibed with her.

We payed and got our stuff and then said bye to Gabby and headed to our movie room.

"She was hilarious." Gus said. "She was really nice too!" Caleb said. "Yes, yes she was. We should invite her to our plans tomorrow." I said and Caleb nodded as Gus gasped.

"What are we doing tomorrow!?" She said and I smirked at Caleb, him doing the same. "You'll see." I said and then dragged Gus to the room, Caleb laughing and following us.

"That was shitty." Gus sighed and we nodded. "Yup." We agreed and then got in the car and left.

On the way, I decided to text Gabby.

I looked behind me to see Gus asleep so I turned to Caleb and grinned

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I looked behind me to see Gus asleep so I turned to Caleb and grinned. "He's gonna love tomorrow. Also, I texted Gabby and she's coming with us!" I exclaimed. "That's great! I cant believe we leave the day after tomorrow though." He said and we both frowned.

"Me too. We should do stuff like this every year." I said and he nodded. "Absolutely." He said.

We quietly sang the rest of the ride and then woke up Gus and went inside the cabin.

We watched the nightmare before Christmas at least three times that day as we baked and cooked.

Caleb and I planned for the nightmare before Christmas thing to be last because we know it's Gus's favorite and we wanted his last day to be extra special.

I'm definitely gonna miss this and all the fun and Gabby but I'm also supper excited to see everyone else.

After all, I am close to my due date.

Only two more months to go.

(😏😉😙 Gabby_thebutthead )

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