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When I woke up, I rolled over and saw that it was 6 pm. My eyes went wide as I sat up. "Holy shit." I said and then started laughing. I shook my head and then got out of bed and got changed into comfy clothes.

I checked on the boys and saw that they were still sleeping so I grabbed my keys and quickly texted Caleb before making my way out of the house and to the store.

As I drove, I listened to some of my top favorite songs. When I got there, I quickly went around and got stuff for dinner and just other foods that we would need.

As I walked by the pet isle, I remembered that I still really wanted a dog. I pouted and then remembered that I was supposed to call Colby so I decided to FaceTime him and flip the camera so it was just showing the dog stuff.

"Scar?" Colby asked confused as he answers the phone and didn't see me. I turned the camera around and pouted. "I want a dog." I said and he chuckled.

"You're adorable but no. Not now at least." He said and I groaned. "Why not?" I whined and he chuckled again.

"How's your vacation going so far? Was Gus surprised?" He asked, changing the subject.

I started walking and nodded. "Very. It's so gorgeous here babe." I said. "I bet. It's really nice here too. I missed the snow." He said and I nodded. "Me too." I said.

"I didn't ask because you needed sleep but, why were you guys up until like.... 8 in the morning?" Colby asked. "We were watching Halloween movies. We just got sucked into them I guess." I said.

I talked to Colby for the rest of the time that I was shopping. It was nice to hear his voice and see him, even though it was just through a screen, because I already missed him like crazy.

"Alright well I need to make dinner and then wake up the boys." I said. "Oh and I need to talk to my brother and sister. I haven't really done that recently." I said and chuckled.

"Okay baby. I love you, I'll talk to you tomorrow. We're about to start investigating anyways." He said and I nodded. "Okay have fun, I love you too. Be safe." I said. "I will, bye babygirl." He said and I smiled. "Bye, love." I said and then hung up and called Tom.

"Well well well, if it isn't my little sister. It's been a while Scar." He replied sarcastically. "Oh shut up. I've been busy and you have too. Bring me to Kat, we can talk while I cook." I said and he nodded and got up, going to Kat's room and slowly opening the door.

"Scars on the phone." He said to Kat who squealed and ran over. "Hi!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Hi Kat." I said and then they went over to the bed and sat down, positioning the phone so I could see both of them and so no one had to hold it.

"Where's Gus and Caleb?" Tom asked and I laughed. "Sleeping." I simply replied. "This early?!" Kat asked and I shook my head. "Nope, they haven't woken up yet." I said and they both scrunched their eye brows.

I laughed again and continued to stir the meat for the tacos we were having.

"What do you mean? They haven't woken up from sleeping? They've been asleep all day? Explain please." Tom said.

"Oh you know... we kinda stayed up until almost 9am watching Halloween movies and then went to bed." I said. "Jesus." Kat said and laughed as Tom brought his hand up and face palmed, shaking his head and sighing.

As I cooked, we talked about random ass shit and then it was time for us to eat and for me to wake the boys so I said goodbye and walked to Caleb's room first.

I quietly slipped into his room and sat on his bed. I poked his cheek a few times and said his name. He woke up and smiled at me. "Hey, it's like...8 pm. Dinners ready." I said and chuckled. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute." He said and I nodded. "Okay, I'll be waking up Gus." "Okay." He said and then I left.

I ran into Gus's room and jumped on his bed. "Wake up bitch!" I yelled as I jumped up and down, making sure it wouldn't affect the baby.

"Ugh go away." He said and turned over. "Nope, tacos are ready, it's 8 pm, time to get up bitch." I said. He jolted forward and looked up and me. "Tacos?" He asked. "Yes Gus, tacos." I said with jazz hands. And with our further ado, he got up and ran to the kitchen.

I laughed and shook my head before making my way to the kitchen as well.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now