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"Ready to film babe?" Colby yelled from the living room. "Yeah!" I yelled and then he came in and set up.

It's the next day and we're filming the announcement video for both of our channels.

"WHATS UP GUYS?! It's Colby Brock." Colby said and I covered my ears and closed my eyes slowly. "I THINK MY EARS ARE BLEEDING." I yelled causing us to both laugh. "So today I'm here with the lovely Scarlet Stuart. Aka, my beautiful girlfriend." Colby said and gestured towards me.

"Hi guys!" I said and smiled while waving. "So, we have a very important announcement. Since you guys are our family, we wanted to tell you guys as soon as possible." He said and then looked at me. I nodded.

"So, like Colby said, you guys are like our family so we wanted you to know..." I staid and then looked at him.

We grabbed the party poppers and held them in our hands. "There's gonna be a new little member in 9 months!" We both yelled and then popped the poppers.

After laughing and celebrating, we set them down and focused our attention back to the camera. "We hope you guys are as happy and excited as we are." He said and then looked at me and smiled. "I'm happy. Are you happy?" I asked and looked at him.

"The happiest." He said and smiled and then leaned down and kissed me. We pulled away and smiled before turning back to the camera. "So yeah, that's the announcement. The video of everyone finding out will be out tomorrow on Scarlets channel. We actually still have to call my parents and her family, so we have to finish it, but once it's all done, this will be up and then again, hers will be up tomorrow." He said and I nodded.

"And to the Brocks and my family, I'm sorry you didn't know until today. We partied last night to the point where we were too tired to even go to our room. We barely made it up there." I said and laughed.

"That's true." He said and nodded. "Okay well, we're gonna film quickly for her channel and then call everyone else. We love you all and we can't wait to share this journey with you all." He said and smiled. "Bye guys!" I said and waved with a smile.

He ended the video and then we made the announcement on mine, pretty much the same way, except with a few differences.

After that, we quickly picked up all of the confetti and then sat down with my camera and first FaceTimed Colby's parents.

"Hey guys!" We said. "Hi Cole, Hi Scarlet." They said and smiled. "So, we have a quick question." Colby said and grinned. "Oh my, what is it?" Lesa asked.

"How does it feel being grandparents to be?" We asked and looked at them through the screen with big smiles.

Layne smirked as Lesa gasped. "Oh my! Scarlet dear, are you pregnant?!" Lesa asked and I nodded. "Yup." We said and then laughed.

"Congratulations you guys!" They said. We thanked them and talked to them for a good hour before we FaceTimed Colby's brother, Gage.

"Sup brother, Scar." He said and grinned. "Sup brother." Colby said and I waved. "Not much, you?" Gage asked and I looked at Colby. "We actually have a question." I said. "Ask away." Gage said.

"How does it feel knowing that I'm the first one to give mom and dad a grand baby? You thought it was gonna be you didn't ya?" Colby asked and smirked.

"No shit man! You're pregnant Scar?" Gage asked with a big smile. "Yup." I said and smile. "No way! Congrats you guys! I thought Colby would never get a girlfriend, never mind have a child." Gage said as him and I laughed.

"Well, you were proven wrong brother." Colby said and put his arm around me, kissing my head. "Apparently." Gage said and chuckled. "Listen, I have to go now but congrats. You guys need to come visit again soon." Gage said and we nodded.

"We will. Scar's family is coming within a few weeks but we can come by Kansas after." Colby said and I agreed. "Okay just give me the dates." Gage said and we nodded. "Will do. Bye Gage." I said. "Bye guys." He said. "Bye bro." Colby said and then hung up.

"Who next?" He asked. "Marie, Mike and the kids." I said and he nodded. They answered and waved. "Hi guys!" I said and smiled. "What's up?" Mike asked and I smiled. "We actually have a question. Do you guys have any parenting tips? Because in about 9 months we're gonna need them." I said and smiled as their jaws dropped.

"You're fu- um... you're pregnant!?" Mike asked and Colby and I laughed as Marie smacked him.

"We are." We said in unison. "Well, first tip, don't do that." Marie said and rolled her eyes as we laughed.

We talked to them for a little while longer, also discussing going back, before we hung up and called Alice.

"Hey guys." She said as she started up her car. "Hey. So we have a question." Colby said.

"What's up?" She asked and pulled out of where ever she was. "Do you think you have room for another niece or nephew in about 9 months?" I asked and her jaw dropped and she started laughing. "You're pregnant?" She asked in shock and disbelief.

"Yup." We said and laughed with her. "Holy shit congrats." She said. We thanked her but then yelled at her for talking on the phone while driving. We all laughed and then hung up.

"I think that was a success." Colby said and turned to me while smiling. "I think so too." I said and smiled at him too.

He grabbed my face softly and pulled my face towards his and kissed me. After we broke apart, we both split off and started editing our videos.

Once that was done we decided to take a nap because I was so tired.

I'm so happy though. Everything is falling into place.

Let's just hope it stays that way.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now