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We pulled up to the dress shop and got out. It was a really cute place, very home-y and small.

There was one girl working there and thankfully no one else there. When she saw us, she smiled and made her way over. "Hi! You guys must be Scarlet and Kat." She said and smiled.

"Yes, it's nice to officially meet you Caroline." Kat said and smiled. "I'm Kat, this is Scarlet, the bride, we have little miss Aurora, Scarlet's daughter, Marie, Lesa, and Gabby." Kat smiled and pointed at all of us.

We all greeted her and then she clapped. "Okay! Let's find you guys your dresses!" She said. The girls all picked out a dress they liked and then I picked a few out for myself.

"Come here little lady!" Gabby said and grabbed Aurora from me so I could try on the dresses.

They were beautiful but none of then stood out to me in any way shape or form.

We all picked out a few more dresses and I tried them all on. None of them were the ones though and I think everyone could tell.

I started to get frustrated. In all of the books and movies, there's this one dress that just stands out. They say you just know that it's the dress.

It was killing me that we've gone over 20+ dresses and none of them are the one. I sighed as she helped zip up the last dress.

I didn't even have to look in the mirror to know it wasn't the right one. It sat too uncomfortably on my body.

"It's not the one." I mumbled as frustrating tears ran down my cheeks. "No worries hunny. You'll find it." Just as she said that, I heard two voices.

My eyes lit up as I had the girl quickly unzip my dress. I quickly got dressed and ran out of the room.

"There she is!" Caleb said with a bright smile as I ran to my two best friends and practically collapsed on them.

"This sucks. We've been doing this for forever and I still haven't found the dress." I mumbled into our hug.

"We know, Kat called. We're here to save the day!" Gus cheered and walked over to Marie. "There's my favorite niece! It's nice to see you too, Marie." He said and grabbed Aurora and then walked back over to Caleb. He quickly kissed her head and wiggled her hand, making her smile before Gus turned to Caleb with a serious face.

He held Aurora out next to Caleb so he could look at both of their faces. "Let's pick out the dress, shall we?" He said and Caleb nodded, then Gus nodded back.

They walked around, looking at all the dresses as I sat and watched.

While they were walking around, Aurora caught ahold of a dress, making Gus and Caleb completely stop dead in their tracks. They looked between each other and the dress before looking back at each other and nodding.

"This is the one." They said at the same time. "And it's not because she grabbed it and won't let go." Gus said and laughed, trying to gently pry Auroras fingers off.

"How do you know it's the one?" I asked. "Well one, we can just tell. Call it... best friend intuition." Gus said and shrugged before taking it off the hanger and passing it to me.

"He's right. It's weird but I can just feel that it's the one." Caleb said and passed it to me. "See, I can be right." Gus mumbled and then passed Aurora to Caleb so he could have some time with her.

"Alrighty, we'll be back." I said and then walked into the room. As I put it on, it just felt... right. I instantly knew it was the dress.

I turned to look in the mirror and completely froze once I saw myself. I gasped and brought my hand to my mouth as my eyes began watering.

"Let me guess, it's the one?" She asked with a grin and I nodded. "It's definitely the one." I whispered.

"Let's go show everyone." She said and smiled. When I walked out, practically everyone's jaws dropped.

"I'm a freaking GENIUS!" Gus yelled and pumped his fist in the air. Caleb cleared his throat loudly and nudged him. "Sorry.. Caleb, Aurora and I are GENIUSES!" He yelled and pumped his fist in the air again.

I giggled and sniffled as I wiped my tears that had fallen. "I hate to say this but he's right." Kat said and sniffled as she made her way over and hugged me.

I hugged her back but then pulled away once Gus and Caleb walked over with Aurora. She looked at me with so much love.

I smiled at her and poured the same amount of love before taking her from Cay and kissing her head. "Uncle Gus is right, you're a genius." I said and giggled at her.

"Thank you guys. It really means a lot to me that you guys picked it out." I said and smiled, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. "We're honored." Cay whispered before they both pulled me in for a hug.

I silently cried happy tears as we hugged. Eventually we pulled away and I gave them separate long hugs.

"Okay, that was adorable." Caroline said and wiped the tears that were falling down her cheeks. "Now it's time for the brides maids and the maid of honor." She cheered.

The boys left while I helped pick out the girls dresses. They tried them on and they all looked stunning.

I couldn't wait for the wedding.

We also got Aurora a little dress and she looks absolutely adorable in it.

I cant wait for everyone to see her in it.

(This chapter was inspired by the one and only, the amazing, heartlessbrock !!)

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now