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The next 6 months have been hectic. Kat, Tom, Gus and Caleb have been over a lot helping out with Aurora so Kat and I can plan for the wedding while Sam and Colby work their asses off and film like crazy.

Aurora's first holiday's were so special and adorable. We kept everything just friends and family and it was something I'll never forget. It was the happiest I've ever been.

Other than that, we've officially started Aurora on baby food and it's crazy to me how much she's grown up already. She hasn't crawled or said her first word yet but she's getting close. Like really close.

We've also spent a lot of time with Colby's family but they had to cut it short because Lesa's work called and said they really needed her and same thing for Gage.

Marie and Mike had to postpone because Mike is extremely busy at work and the boys got sick.

The wedding is officially less than two months away and I'm really excited.

Aurora is growing perfectly and she's a really good baby.

Kat and I have gotten a lot of planning done and Gus, Caleb and Tom have been amazing with helping us with Aurora.

Colby already has the best man and the groomsmen but It's been really hard for me to pick the brides maids and stuff though. I did it though, and that's all that matters.

Gabby and I have gotten really close and I know I definitely want her to be apart of the wedding and Colby agrees.

I still haven't told my parents about Aurora or the fact that we're getting married and I don't plan on it.

They aren't good people and I definitely don't want them apart of Aurora's life and neither does Colby.

The funniest part to me is the fact that Mike said he would walk me down the isle.

I laughed for a good 5 minutes straight at that one. Especially because he said he was being serious.

Colby and I were actually about to agree when I thought of the perfect thing.

You'll just have to wait and see what it is though.

Anyways, today were all going dress shopping. Lesa, Gabby, and Marie came for two days so we could do it and now it's time.

"Ready to help mommy pick out a dress little lady?" I asked Aurora. She looked up at me blankly causing me to giggle. "Let's go say goodbye to daddy and then we'll leave." I said and then kissed her forehead and walked into the editing room.

"Hi baby." I said as we got in the room. Aurora looked at Colby and smiled, making him smile, making me smile.

"You guys leaving?" He asked and I nodded causing him to pout and open his arms. I walked over to him and sat in his lap while I held Aurora. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and placed his head on my shoulder as we looked down at our little girl.

"We have great genes." He said after a few seconds, making me laugh and nod. "Yes, yes we do." I said.

"SCARLET! WE NEED TO GO!" Gabby yelled from down stairs. I sighed and stood up, handing Aurora off to Colby for him to say goodbye.

"WE'LL BE DOWN IN A SEC!" I yelled back as Colby said goodbye to Aurora. He then stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Have fun. I love you, stay safe, and I'll see you later tonight. Okay?" He asked and I nodded. "Same applies to you and don't you dare bring any demons or spirits back." I warned and pointed at him. He chuckled and nodded.

"Yes ma'am." He said and then leaned down to kiss me. It lasted for a few seconds before Aurora hit me in the chest, causing me to pull away and laugh. "Sorry Rora." I said as we laughed.

He kissed our heads before handing Aurora to me and kissing me one more time.

"I'll be back later." I said and giggled at his clinginess. "I know but I'm gonna miss you." He said and frowned, causing me smile sadly. "I'm gonna miss you too." I said and leaned up to kiss him one more time.

"SCARLET I SWEAR TO GOD! OR IS IT YOU THAT'S MAKING US LATE COLE?" Gabby yelled and then barged in the room.

"We need to go! Let's. Go!" She whined and then pulled on my arm. I laughed and then kissed Colby's cheek before letting Gabby drag me out the room.

"Bye baby!" I yelled. "Bye!" He yelled. I giggled and then we went outside and got in the car.

"Look who I finally got." Gabby said and sighed as I strapped Aurora in and then got in myself. "You guys are so in love, it's weird." Kat said. "How is it weird?" I asked and laughed.

"I've never seen you so in love before." She said and shrugged.

"And I've never seen Colby so in love before. I truly believe that you guys are soulmates." Lesa said.

"No, that's Gus. Colby's her one." Kat said and I agreed.

The rest of the ride we talked about the boys and about the wedding.

I'm honestly super excited to get married.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now