9 (Colby's POV)

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"I feel so bad bro." I said with a frown and sighed. "Why?" He asked. "She sounded so heartbroken. Like she genuinely sounded so sad. I don't blame her though." I said.

"I don't either, if Kat told me she couldn't make it to something that important, I would be upset too." He said and I looked at him with a "really?" Face.

"Thanks brother, that definitely helped." I said and we laughed. "Alright, there's our suitcases." He said and pointed to all of the suitcases that were coming on the conveyer belt.

We grabbed our luggage before making our way towards my car. "To the jewelers." Sam said.

"To the jewelers." I said and then started the car. When we got there, we looked around for a few minutes, waiting for the guy to bring the ring that I had picked out for her.

I had told Tom, Kat, Caleb, Gus and Sam ahead of time that I was doing this, mainly to get approval and to make sure Gus, Caleb, and Tom didn't beat my ass for not being there.

I got approval from Tom, Gus, and Caleb, and with the help of Gus, I also got the okay from Pop-Pop.

I knew that if she knew that they all approved, it would make her happier seeing as though they were included.

Speaking of that, I had Gus help me with picking out the ring because I know out of everyone, he knows her the best.

Once we saw the ring, we knew it was the one. And that was just the engagement ring.

The jeweler came out with a black box with red lace around it, Scar's two favorite colors, interrupting me from my thoughts.

I paid for it and then thanked him. "Good luck." He said and waved. "Thanks." I said and then smiled and waved back before Sam and I made our way out.

"Gus just texted, they're getting ready, we have to hurry." Sam said and I nodded. "Let's do this." I said and then started the car and made our way towards their house.

We quickly got there and then I grabbed the box as Sam grabbed his camera and we made our way towards the side of the house so we could sneak in without her seeing, all while Sam filmed.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified.

"Okay, good luck brother." Sam whispered and then hugged me. "Thanks man." I whispered back and then snuck up behind her just as they all started counting.

"30...29...28..." they all started, but I tapped Scar on her shoulder causing her to stop and whip around towards me.

She gasped as her my jaw dropped and her hand instantly flew up to her mouth as she teared up.

"27...26..." everyone continued. "Surprise." I said and smiled.

"24..." everyone continued.

"Listen, I don't have a lot of time but I need to say this first,"


"ever since I met you, I knew that there was something about you, something so special." I said.


"Then, we got closer and I started developing feelings for you. But then... then you spilled your life to me.. at the top of the abandoned building in the woods. You trusted me, after everything you've been through,"


"That, that was the moment I knew you were the one and that I loved you. That day was genuinely so special to me and I hope it was for you too." I said and she nodded. That calmed my nerves down a little, and made my heart flutter.


"I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, our baby, and our crazy family," I said and we both wiped our tears.


"So, Scarlet Elizabeth Stuart, will you make the me happiest person ever and Marry me?" I asked and smiled up at her.

She was absolutely gorgeous. Perfect even. The way her brown hair slightly moved in the wind, her smile, her eyes. Oh my god her eyes. Everyone always says that my eyes are the most beautiful but it's definitely hers. I loved her giggle and her really obnoxious laugh, I love her kind heart and sassiness. I love everything about her.

She nodded quickly. "Yes!!!" She said with the biggest smile on her face. Suddenly all of my nerves were gone as my smile grew and I slid the ring on her finger.


I stood up and pulled her in and kissed her passionately, spilling all of my love for in this one kiss, her doing the same.

"1!" Everyone yelled and then things popped and people screamed. I pulled away and looked around with the biggest smile on my face seeing the pink confetti and chalk.

"Oh my god..." I whispered and looked around. "Oh my god!" I yelled. Everyone was screaming and jumping around, but I didn't notice, I was still looking around admiring the pink that was surrounding us.

I looked at her with a huge smile. "We're having a girl?" I breathed out.

"Surprise." She said and then I pulled her into a hug. I was genuinely so surprised and happy. I've always wanted a little girl but I would have been happy with either.

But I'm more than happy it's a girl.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now