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When we got to the living room where everyone was hanging out and talking, Colby stopped and leaned against the doorframe, and then pulled me into him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put my hands over his and leaned my head on his chest.

We stood there in silence as we watched our family and friends interact.

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. Everyone looked genuinely so happy. It always warms my heart when we all get together because everyone gets along so well and it just makes me happy.

Especially because we don't all get to get together very often at all.

I wish it was different but it makes the experiences like these, more special.

We stood there for a few before Sam noticed us and waved us over. We walked over and sat down on the couch next to Sam who was talking to Mike, Gage, and Gus.

"So we were thinking of going to that house when you guys get back from your honeymoon." Sam said, instantly making me excited.

"Yeah?" I asked and they nodded. "Damn. We haven't been there in ages." I said to Gus and shook my head as he nodded. "Yeah. I low-key miss it. Never thought I would be to emotionally attached to a house but okay." He said making us laugh.

"I'm super down though. I miss it too and Colby and I have actually been talking about going back. And plus I miss ghost hunting so badly." I said and Gus nodded. "Honestly same." He agreed.

"It's a date then, we're going to the house." San said. It made me really excited because one, I missed going to the house and ghost hunting so much. And two, I've always really wanted Sam and Colby to go and experience it.

I became really excited. Ever since I met Sam and Colby, I've felt this.. pull, to go back. I kind of feel desperate at this point but I can't help it.

I honestly don't know if it's because it's like... one of the first places the group and I went to when we moved to LA and because of that and the memories, it's become an emotionally important place in my life. Or maybe it's the fact that I want to thank them for bringing some amazing people into my life.

Or maybe I'm just crazy.


I did NOT mean it like that.

Forget I said anything.

I'm not crazy.

I meant in a good way obviously.

"Baby?" Colby asked quietly but worriedly, breaking me from my thoughts. "hm?" I hummed in response, turning my attention to him.

"Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost." He said. His eye brows were scrunched and his face was filled with worry.

I realized my eyes were wider than normal, my eyebrows were raised, and I was really stiff.

I let my self relax and then I smiled softly at Colby. "I'm okay, Love. Just thinking." I said and gently placed my hand on his cheek.

Sam, Gage, Mike, and Gus had already started talking again when Colby had pulled me out of my thoughts, so I didn't have to worry about that.

"Are you sure you're okay? You looked almost scared." He said cautiously, making me chuckle. "I'm okay love. I promise." I said.

It was true. I was okay but I'm not gonna lie, thinking that didn't make me react the way I usually would. It just surprised me I guess.

I haven't thought about that in forever and I honestly can't complain.

My thoughts were again interrupted by Colby. "Baby... you're scaring me. What's going on? Talk to me." He said quietly. I sighed and then stood up, pulling him up with me.

"We'll be right back." I said and then pulled Colby into the kitchen. When I turned to him, I frowned seeing him looking overly worried and scared.

"I'm fine Love, I promise I'm just- I thought about the whole... you know," I said and moved my fingers in circles around the temples of my head while making clicking noises.

It took him a second but once he got what I was trying it to hint at, his eyes went wide and he pulled me into him. "Baby, you're not cra-" he started but I cut him off.

"No, Colby. It's not like that." I said and pulled away. His face scrunched up into confusion as he waited for me to explain.

"I think I'm finally healed from it."

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now