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"Okay first, we wash our hands and then... oh! let's make the- this first." I said. I wanted to surprise Colby with some of my favorite childhood foods which are Oreo cream pie, homemade chicken tenders and silver dollars.

(silver dollars are round and sometimes thin fries)

(silver dollars are round and sometimes thin fries)

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(basically that)

"Okay, grab a bowl and the mixers. I'm gonna write the instructions down on paper and you just follow it. Okay?" I asked and he nodded.

He grabbed the bowl and mixer as I wrote down the instructions. I passed it to Colby and grabbed the rest of the stuff he would need.

"Okay, I got this." He said, giving himself a pep talk. "Yes baby, you got this!" I cheered.

He went into deep concentration as I created the marinade for the chicken.

Once I was done, placing all of the chicken into the bowl and into the fridge, Colby was done as well.

"How did I do?!" He asked excitedly but also nervously. "Very well baby!" I said.

I then grabbed the Oreo pie crust and put the mix into it. Once that was done, I put it into the fridge and set a timer for four hours.

"What's next?" He asked. "I'm gonna have you bread the chicken as I peel and prep the potatoes because no offense but I don't trust you with a potato peeler." I said and laughed.

He laughed with me and then I grabbed the panko bread crumbs, the eggs, the flour and then 3 bowls and 1 plate.

I separated the stuff into the bowls and lined them up in the correct order. Once that was done, I grabbed the chicken and set it down.

"Okay, listen very closely. You take one chicken strip, dip it in the flour, then the eggs, and then the panko, just as I have it. Make sure it's all covered when dealing with the panko, and then place it on the plate. Got it?" I asked and raised my eye brows.

He nodded and got to work as I washed and peeled the potatoes.

"Done!" He said after a while. "Very well love. I'm very proud of you." I said and then kissed his cheek.

I started frying the chicken and potatoes and then had Colby cut up some fruit and put it all in a bowl for some fruit salad.

Once everything was done, we sat down and started digging in.

"Try the silver dollars." I said. "So they're just like... fries but circles?" He asked and I nodded. "But this way, they taste amazing." I said. He nodded and took a bite and then groaned. "Holy shit these are amazing." He said and I giggled. "I know right." I agreed.

We finished our dinner and talked and then I did the dishes. "You really need to make that more." He said and leaned his head on my shoulder while wrapping his arm around my waist and resting his hands on my stomach.

"You liked it?" I asked. "No I loved it." He said and then kissed my cheek. "I'm glad." I said with a smile and continued washing the dishes.

"Ready?" I asked as the timer went off. "For what?" He asked. "Desert." I said and opened the fridge. I grabbed the pie and whipped cream and finished up the pie and then cut Colby and I pieces and slid him his plate.

"Prepare to be even more amazed." I said and grinned at him. He took the fork and got a little and then brought it up to his lips. His eyes rolled back and he let out yet another groan at the taste.

"You are fucking amazing. This- this is so fucking good." He said and then quickly put more onto his fork as I laughed and took a bite.

"It is really good." I said. "Yes it fucking is." He said.

We ate our pie and continued our talk and then did those dishes and went upstairs.

"I'm even more tired now." Colby said and plopped back down on the bed. "Me too." I said and plopped down next to him.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him and then kissed me and cuddled into me. "Night babygirl. I love you so much. Thank you for all of the amazing food." He said and buried his head into my chest. "You're very welcome. I love you too." I said and kissed his head then then played with his hair.

It didn't take him long to drift off to sleep, me doing the same shortly after.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now