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"Is everyone ready?" I asked getting a nod in response. "Alright, let's go!" I cheered and then grabbed Aurora from Kat and made my way towards Colby's car as he chuckled.

I put Aurora in her car seat as everyone got in their cars, Caleb and Gus coming with us.

Once Aurora was strapped in and ready to go, I went ahead and got in the passenger.

"Hi little miss Aurora." Caleb cooed. We got lucky with Caleb but unlucky with Gus.

I'm kidding obviously. Or am I?

I giggled to myself at my thoughts and then shook my head as we started the drive.

I heard Aurora coo back at him, making me smile as Colby grabbed my hand. "How's my favorite little niece?!" Gus asked her.

Most of the ride was the boys talking to Aurora, and Colby and I having our own little conversation, as the music played softly in the back ground.

When we got to the cabins, we got out and looked around. It wasn't the exact same cabin as the last one but they were very similar. We also got three, one for friends and the other for family. The other one was for Colby, Aurora and I.

My thoughts were interrupted by Gus nudging me. "Sorry, what were you saying?" I shook my head and asked.

"No worries. I just asked if you were excited for the wedding." The girl asked with a smile. "Yeah, I really am." I said with a smile and grabbed Colby's hand as Aurora sleepily laid her head on my shoulder.

"Alright well let's get you guys settled in so you can get that little cutie to bed." She said and smiled at Aurora. I nodded and then she gave us keys and talked to us about some things.

Once she was done, she said goodbye and left.

"Alright so if I were you I'd just put the key somewhere hidden on the porch and make sure everyone knows where it is so that way everyone has access to it." Colby said and everyone agreed.

We all split up and went to our cabins to look around, get our stuff situated, and to rest before everyone got here and shit started going down.

Tonight was a pre wedding night party and then tomorrow was the rehearsal dinner and then obviously the wedding.

When we walked into the cabin my jaw instantly dropped. It was absolutely stunning, even more so than the other one that Gus Cay and I all stayed in.

"This is beautiful." I said as I looked around. "It really is." Colby said. "Let's go look around!" I said excitedly as I grabbed his hand and ran throughout the house making Aurora giggle and Colby chuckle.

We walked around the entire house and it was truly amazingly beautiful.

We eventually brought our stuff to our rooms and set everything up and then put Aurora down for a nap, because she was getting fussy, before everyone came over to our cabin and hung out as we waited for everyone else to arrive.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" I asked. "Those homemade chicken tenders and fri- I mean silver dollar things you made." He said and smirked making me laugh.

"Fine but who's going to the store with me?" I asked.

"Me!" Gus and Caleb yelled and aggressively threw their arms up in the air.

"Alrighty then, let's go."

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now