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I rolled over and groaned and then turned off my alarm. I sat up and stretched and then rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes.

"Babe." Colby whined. "Hmm?" I asked and then yawned. "Cuddles." He said and I giggled. "We gotta get up." I said and he groaned.

It's been 2 weeks and we currently need to get ready to go on our trips. Caleb and I have been hanging out almost everyday this past week planning things and getting everything ready.

Gus still doesn't know what's happening, all he's been told is to pack a bag for 4 days and that they needed to be here for 10am.

"5 more minutes." Colby mumbled and then pulled on my arm, breaking me from my thoughts.

I sighed and then put an alarm on for 10 minutes and laid on my back. Colby instantly moved over and rested his head on my chest, tangling our legs, and then he placed his hand on my bump.

20 minutes later, and Colby still won't get up. "Baby there's no need to get ready. It's only 8 in the morning. We're both leaving at 10 and you're gonna be in a car for hours and I'm gonna be on a plane. No need to get ready." He said grumpily and I laughed.

"I need to make everyone breakfast and we need to put our last minute things in as well." I said. "Which can all be done at 9." He said and grabbed my phone and turned off my alarms leading up to 9, leaving that one on.

I giggled and shook my head. "Fine, but if we're late, it's your fault." I said and he nodded. "We won't be but fine." He said. I laughed again and then played with his hair until we both fell back to sleep.

When the alarm went off this time, we actually got up. We got ready and then put the last minute things away.

As soon as I started cooking breakfast, there were repetitive knocks and rings coming from the door.

"I'm coming." Colby mumbled and walked to the door. I smiled and kept cooking.

All four of the boys walked into the room, the only awake and happy ones being Sam and Caleb.

I expected nothing less.

"Morning best!" Cay cheered as he walked in and sat down. "Morning Cay, morning Sammy." I said and smiled at them. "Morning Scar. Whatcha making?" Sam cheerfully asked.

"Pancakes, bacon, sausage, and toast." I said as Gus and Colby walked in looking like zombies. Colby looked like a cute zombie though. My cute zombie. Okay I'll stop now.

I giggled and shook my head at myself and then continued cooking as the two Frankensteins sat down.

"Okay boys, breakfast is survived with coffee, extra of it for Frankenstein." I said and gestured to Gus as Sam, Cay, and I all laughed.

"Shut up." Gus mumbled and took a sip of coffee. We all sat down and ate, making small talk, Sam, Caleb and I doing most of the talking.

"How are you people so joyful and energized right now?" Colby asked. "Especially you." Gus said and pointed to me. "I've been resting a lot last week to prepare myself for the next week." I said and took a sip of orange juice.

"Yeah about that, where are we going?" Gus said and I turned to Sam. "What time do you guys need to leave?" I asked and he lifted his wrist to look at his invisible watch.

Sam and Colby tend to do that a lot.

"Uh... now." Sam said and chuckled. "Shit um.." Colby said and looked down at his plate. "Don't worry about it. You guys go. We can leave whenever, you on the other hand, can't." I said and Colby nodded.

"Okay." He said and stood up. The boys gave each other hugs and then Sam hugged me. "Don't give birth while we're gone." Sam said and I chuckled. "I'm not even 7 months yet Sammy. I still have roughly 2 days and then a whole 2 months." I said and giggled as he chuckled.

"I wouldn't put it past you though" he said, pulling away from me and grinning. "Don't jinx her." Colby said. "I'm not, I'm not." Sam said and backed up.

"Alright, I'm gonna go put your bags in the car, I'll meet you out there. Take your time but hurry the hell up. You have 5 minutes." Sam said and I laughed.

"Bye Sam! Love you, be safe!" I called out. "Bye guys! Same for you." He said and then the front door shut.

Colby walked over to me and pulled me into him and sighed. "I'm gonna miss you." He said and I nodded. "I'm gonna miss you too." I said and looked up at him and smiled, him looking down at me and doing the same.

"I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said and then leaned down and kissed me. It lasted for a little before I pulled away. "You gotta go before Sam comes back in." I said and he chuckled.

"Okaaay." He said. I stood on my tippy toes and quickly pecked his lips one more time before pulling away from him.

"Same thing applies to you mister. Stay safe and I love you. Oh, also call me when you land." I said and he grinned at me.

"Yes ma'am. I love you too." He said and then hugged me one more time and kiss my head before walking away and waving.

And then he was gone.

"That was gross. Like it was so cute, I'm gonna throw up."

Oh Gus.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now