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We got in the car and I was handed a blindfold. "Put it on." Kat said impatiently. "Why?" I teased and she huffed out a breath, shoving it in my face. "Put. It. On." She said, so I did.

Once it was on, I tried putting my seatbelt on but I couldn't get it to go in so Colby helped me out. Once I was buckled up, I felt the car moving, signaling that we were leaving.

"Should I be scared?" I asked. "No." Colby and Kat said at the same time. "Okay then... can we at least listen to music?" I asked and then heard the radio being turned up.

I sang softly to the music as we drove, me not knowing where we were going.

A few minutes later, we arrived to where we were going. It actually didn't take long at all. Five minutes tops.

"Wait here." Colby said so I nodded and undid my seatbelt so I was ready for whatever was about to happen.

A few seconds later, my door was opened and Colby was helping me get out. Once I was out and standing, I felt each of them take one of my hands.

"Are you ready?" Kat asked me softly. I nodded, getting really impatient.

"Okay, on three. One... two... three..." Colby counted. I felt the blind fold being taken off of my head, causing me to look up and see the surprise.

I instantly teared up and my jaw dropped. "No way..." I breathed out, admiring what was in front of me.

"Yes way! Colby bought it but we all pitched in to help. Come on, this isn't all of it!" Kat exclaimed and ran towards it.

You're probably wondering 'what is it?', aren't you?

Well I'll tell you.

It's only my dream house that I've wanted since I moved to LA.

We went inside and I saw it was decorated the exact way I've always wanted it. It was beautiful and I absolutely love it.

"We all helped setting everything up. Do you like it?" Kat asked as I admired it. I looked at her and shook my head no. Her face dropped and she looked so defeated.

"You don't?" She asked and gulped, Colby doing the same. I shook my head again. "No... BECAUSE I LOVE IT!" I yelled and then giggled as they let out sighs of relief. I ran around, looking at each room and admiring them all.

Once the tour was over, I gave them the biggest hugs ever. I was so happy and grateful they did this because I really truly have been wanting this house for the longest time.

It wasn't far at all from everyone else and everything about it was just so beautiful and perfect. I loved it so much.

It was a two story house that had a basement. There were around 10 rooms, 6 of them having bathrooms. There was a pretty big kitchen and dining room that was perfect for us.

There was a big living room and a huge basement with a built in gym/dance studio. The outside was amazing.

There was a big pool and a big hot tub. There was also a trampoline, a play place for kids, a sitting area, a fire place, and a water fall not only attached to the pool, but also a stream that lead to a waterfall.

 There was also a trampoline, a play place for kids, a sitting area, a fire place, and a water fall not only attached to the pool, but also a stream that lead to a waterfall

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(Some of the backyard)

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(Some of the backyard)

My mouth was practically dropped to the floor. "How the hell-" I said and then turned to Colby and Kat.

"Babe... this had to be so much-" I trailed off. "Don't worry about it love. I can afford it. It's not as expensive as you think." Colby said and chuckled.

I just wrapped my arms around him in a tight, loving hug. I then pulled away and leaned up to kiss him.

"Thank you love. You don't know just how much this means to me." I said and smiled up at him. "It's no problem baby." He said and grinned down at me.

We spent the next week packing our things. Apparently Sam was moving into the old house and Sam and Kat were taking my old room while Caleb took theirs. They turned Caleb's room to an office/ filming room.

The past week have been rough for Gus though since he's been having nightmares like crazy, meaning I haven't been sleeping that well.

I don't mind all that much. He's my best friend and I'm going to be there for him whenever.

Today is the day we're moving and I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty sad. I'm gonna miss everyone and I'm gonna miss living with them.

But I'm also excited that Colby and I are taking our next chapter in life.

I'm just really gonna miss everyone.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now