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Dom came back a little while later to catch up and talk. He left for a few to get dessert for us and Colby and I talked about inviting him to the wedding.

I explained everything to him and after meeting him and talking to him, they got along really well and he agreed.

When Dom came back, I had a smirk on my face. "Oh god. What is it?" He asked and then put our ice creams on the table in front of us and then sat down.

"We have a question for you." I said with a grin. "Oh lord okay, what is it?" He asked. "Would you like to come to our wedding?" I asked. He gasped and brought his hand to his chest.

"I would be honored! Omg are you joking?" He asked and we both shook our heads. "Nope." Colby said and popped the 'p' with a smirk. "Oh my god I would love to." He said and then gave us hugs.

We talked for a little while later before we had to go back.

We hung out with everyone before it was time to get ready to go to the rehearsal dinner.

We all split off and went to our rooms and cabins before starting.

It was obviously just the rehearsal dinner so fancy but not too fancy. I let Colby get ready as I got Aurora ready. I started off by waking her up and feeding her and then changing her diaper and then putting her into this adorable little pink dress with white flowers.

I paired it with little white socks, shoes, and a matching headband as the dress, that had a little bow on it.

Once she was ready, I took her into Colby and I's room and quickly got ready. Just as I was about to start my hair and make up, Colby came out of the bathroom.

"We'll don't you just look adorable." He said and took Aurora from me with a grin. "I know right. She's gonna steal the show on our pre wedding AND our wedding." I said with a laugh. "Oh definitely." He agreed, laughing as well.

"I'm gonna go get ready." I said and pat his shoulder a few times before heading in the direction of the bathroom.

I was in a matching dress with Aurora and I did my hair and makeup simple, going for a natural look makeup wise, and a half up half down hairstyle. 

Once I was done getting ready, I made my way out of the bathroom and over to Colby and Aurora who were sitting on the floor, playing with a few of Aurora's toys.

I stood there for a second, watching them giggle and laugh while they played with the toys, with a smile on my face.

They truly mean so much to me. I don't know what I'd do without them.

I eventually made my way over and sat down with them. We all played and laughed for a little bit before we had to go. Colby got the diaper bag as I got Aurora. We made our way to the car and I strapped Rora in as Colby placed the bag on the ground and started the car.

Once Aurora was all buckled in, I gave her a few quick kisses on her cheek, making her giggle and me smile. I then closed her door and then got in the passenger seat.

"Ready?" Colby asked, turning to me with a smile as he held out his hand. "Ready." I said with a nod as I smiled and then took his hand.

He brought my hand up to his lips and gave it a kiss before starting the drive to the rehearsal dinner.

Everything went very well! The food was to die for and everyone had a great time.

We eventually started to get ready to go back to the cabin. We got situated in the car and Aurora passed out once we pulled out of the driveway.

When we got home, I carefully pulled Aurora out of her car seat while Colby grabbed the diaper bag. We brought Aurora and the bag into her room and then laid her in her bed and said goodnight.

After that we made our way into our room and got ready for bed.

After I got ready, I made my way over to Colby and pouted. "I hate this part." I mumbled and rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and nodded.

"Me too." He said and sighed. We hugged for a few minutes before we broke the hug apart and kissed.

After that we said goodbye and he left to go to a different cabin since tomorrows our wedding day and we aren't allowed to see each other until I walk down the aisle.

I got into bed and closed my eyes but couldn't fall asleep.

It's gonna be a really long night.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now