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We woke up to Aurora crying. "I got her, you can go back to sleep." Colby said and yawned before getting up. "Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah." He said and then picked her up and started rocking her.

"Okay, goodnight. I love you." I said. "I love you too, get some rest, you've been through a lot." He said and kissed my forehead as I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and then shifted so I was more comfortable. "No problem baby." He said and then sat in a chair as he rocked Aurora to sleep.

I ended up falling asleep fairly quickly but was woken up a little while later be shaken awake.

"Baby, I didn't want to wake you but she has to eat." Colby said. I opened my eyes to see him biting his lip nervously. "What's wrong?" I asked and sat up then took Aurora from him and stared feeding her.

"I just didn't want to wake you. You need rest and you've been through a lot, I figured you were sore but... she's hungry." He said with a frown causing me to giggle.

"Baby, I'm okay. I mean you're right, I am sore but I'm fine." I said and grinned at him. I finished feeding her and then passed her to Colby so he could burp her.

"Okay, go back to bed." He said and I laughed. "No, I'm very much awake now." I said, causing him to playfully sigh and roll his eyes. "Fiiine." He said and then we laughed.

He burped her as I went on my phone and answer some texts and messages.

"Hey my parents and Gage are coming on Friday or Saturday to see and meet Aurora." He said and I smiled widely. "Yay! Okay." I said and he chuckled.

"Do you know if you're siblings are coming up at all?" Colby asked and I shook my head.

"Nope but I'm gonna call them now." I said and he nodded. "Okay." He said.

I went to Marie's contact and pressed 'FaceTime' just as Colby sat on the bed with a sleeping Aurora.

"Hey Mamas!" Marie said. "Hi!" I said and giggled. "Hey Colby!" She said and he grinned. "Sup." He asked. "Not much. How are you guys?!" She asked excitedly.

"Im good, you wanna see her?" I asked and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Yeah but hold on, let me get the kids and add Mike to the call." She said excitedly. Colby and I laughed as she ran around the house, trying to get the boys.

"Okay, now let's add Mike." She said and let out a breath. "Un-ole Cowby! Aww-e Scar!" The boys said once they saw us. "Hi guys! At you gonna come see us soon?" I said as Colby waved and smiled at the boys.

"Say yea, we're coming up the weekend after next because next weekend, Mike's sister is getting married." Marie said just as Mike joined.

"Oh- sup guys! How are you?" Mike said. "We're good, you guys wanna see her?" Colby asked and smirked. "Yes!" Everyone cheered.

I smiled and then moved the camera so it was pointed right at Aurora. They all aww-ed and started talking about her and congratulating us until Mike had to go back to work and Marie had to feed the boys.

We said good by and then I called Alice. "Heeeey!" She said and then laughed. "You're probably the weirdest sibling I have, you know that?" I asked and then sarcastically smiled.

"Nah, that's Lilly. You love me." She said and I laughed. "Am I wrong though?" She asked and I shook my head while i calmed down. "No, you're not." I said.

"Anyways, what's up?" She asked. "Do you wanna see her?" Colby asked. "See who?" She asked. "Do you really not know?" I asked. "Know what? Someone tell me." She said and I faced the camera towards Aurora.

"Who's baby is that?" She asked. "Uh ours?" I said and her eyes went wide. "You had the baby?!" She asked. "You didn't know?!" Colby asked.

"No. I don't talk to anyone but my friends." She said and laughed. "Wow so we aren't your friends?" Colby asked. "Yeah what the hell?" I asked.

"No, because you're my sister and brother in law to be. It's different." She said.

We talked to her for a little while longer before hanging up and calling all of Colby's family. They're just the sweetest and cutest.

After we got done taking to them, it was time for Aurora to eat again. Once she finished, Colby texted Sam and told him that they were good to head over and they said they would be there shortly and that they were bringing food for us.

I was so thankful for the family we've created and the one we're building.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now