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I laughed at Gus. "You'll be fine. But if you do, wake me up. It's it clear? Can I go upstairs?" I asked Pop-pop nervously.

"Yes bubbles, he won't be around anymore." He said and smiled at me, me returning it. "Okay, thank you so much Pop-pop." I said. "You're welcome Bubbles, I love you all." He said and smiled before vanishing.

"He said he loves us." I said and they smiled. "We love him too." Kat said and smiled, looking around.

We all said our good nights before Colby and I headed upstairs. "I'll check just to make sure." I said and Colby looked at me worriedly. "Okay..." he said and sighed. I furrowed my eyes brows but stepped inside and peered around quickly.

After seeing nothing, I turned the light on and stepped in. "Okay, we're good." I said and he nodded and stepped inside.

We quickly changed and then got into bed, instantly cuddling up to each other.

I drew shapes on Colby's chest and looked up at him, noticing he was deep in thought. I didn't know if I should interrupt or ask what he was thinking about.

I decided to ask because it looked like something was bothering him. "What's wrong love?" I asked, causing him to look down at me and sigh.

"I'm just upset that you have to go through this alone and there's nothing I can really do to help you and help protect you." He said and sighed again, causing me to frown.

"I have Pop-pop though. And Gus kind of I guess." I said and chuckled. "I know but still. I hate that I can't protect you." He said and played with my hair, looking down at me.

"It's okay, because that means I can protect you." I said and smiled. "You protect me from the living and I protect you from the dead." I said and giggled causing him to grin at me. "So that's how it works?" He asked and I nodded.

"Oh, speaking of, you've still never seen the house, have you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nope." He said. "Well, maybe we can take you and Sam." I said. "I don't know babe.." he said and looked at me worriedly again.

"Why not?" I asked. "I've seen your videos there babe.. they don't seem nice." He said with his eye brows furrowed.

"I thought that too, but after all, they never did anything too bad, and plus, without them, we would've never met. I think something negative was there, sure. But there was so much more good. I know it." I said.

"Plus the kids there... I know a lot of times kids are like... demons or whatever but those kids I truly think we're stuck and trying to help us." I said, thinking back on all of our adventures at the house.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I shrugged. "Not yet, but I'm pretty sure. Plus, I think we all need another adventure together." I said and smiled a little.

"Okay. We can go the day after tomorrow. Maybe we'll even bring Gage and Mike." He said and smirked.

"They'd shit they're pants. Let's do it." I said, causing us to laugh. I yawned and sighed. "I'm really tried." I mumbled and closed my eyes. "Okay baby, get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow. I love you Babygirl." He said and I smiled at the nickname.

"I love you too, love." I said and then slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later to Gus shaking me and whispering my name. "Scar.. Scar please wake up. Please." He whimpered out.

My eyes shot open to see tears in his eyes. Once he saw I was a awake, he let out a breath of relief and silently sobbed.

My eyes widened as I got out of bed and took his wrist, leading him out of the room and out into the hallway.

He instantly wrapped his arms around me and cried on my shoulder. "I-it was so r-real." He cried out. "What was bubs?" I asked and rubbed his back.

"Nightmare." He whispered and cried some more.

Gus always had really really bad nightmares that always haunted him. He would always say that they felt really real and that they always scared the shit out of him.

He never talked about them but he would always wind up in either mine or Calebs rooms, sometimes both of us, in panic and just seemed so scared and upset. 

It always broke my heart.

I always assumed that it had to deal with Caleb and I dying since he says it's his biggest fear.

We would always end up sleeping in his room after them, or let him sleep in our room.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly causing him to shake his head.

"I'm sorry." He said and sobbed. "No no no, don't be sorry, it's not your fault." I said. "Can you sleep in my room? O-or can I sleep in yours?" He asked and sniffled. "Yeah. I'll sleep in yours. There's no room in mine." I said.

"Thank you." He whispered and I nodded.


Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now