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"I'm SO excited!" Kat said happily as she pushed me onto one of the chairs. "I can tell." I said and giggled.

"Alright so-" she said but was interrupted by Colby coming outside. "That was fast." I said and laughed.

"She was out the second we got upstairs." He said and plopped down next to me after setting the baby monitor down.

"Wow." I said and he nodded. "Okay so, where are we having this?" Kat asked and I looked at Colby. "Where ever you want." He said and kissed my head.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. "You think very highly of me apparently." I said and he laughed.

"How about we brainstorm where we have it, look at some venues, and pick out the best ones?" Kat asked and I looked to Colby and shrugged.

"Sounds good to me." I said and he nodded.

After a long two hours, we had both agreed on a location and two different venues incase we couldn't get one.

"Alright. Now, let's pick a date so that way we know when we need everything done by." Kat said.

"Should we do it before or after Aurora's birthday?" I asked Colby and he thought. "I say we do it before." He said and shrugged as I nodded. "I was thinking the same thing." I said.

"I feel like we should do it in the winter." Colby said and I nodded.

"Yeah, winter has some breath-taking views so it would be so pretty in the winter." I said and they both agreed.

"Maybe we could do it in February of next year." Colby said and shrugged as I nodded.

"We should do February...tenth? Does that sound good?" I asked and he nodded. "I love that." He said and smiled, making me smile instantly.

"So February tenth it is! That means we have about eight months to plan everything and get it all ready. Yay! This is so exciting!" Katrina gushed.

We all went over a few things and wrote a lot of things down like the food we want there, the kind of cake we wanted, the theme, and stuff like that.

After a while, we started to get really tired and Aurora started to cry so we quickly said goodnight to Kat and walked her to the door  and then went upstairs.

Once Aurora calmed down, we went to our room and took turns showering and then got ready for bed.

Colby instantly pulled me into him and sighed. "I missed this." He said and I hummed in agreement.

"I'm really proud of us." He said after a few minutes, causing me to smile. "I am too." I whispered. "We make a good team." I said and he nodded.

"That we do." He said.

We talked for a little bit, mostly joking around, before we got too tired to even talk.

"Night baby, I love you." He mumbled as I yawned. "I love you too." I whispered and then finally fell asleep.

I was awoken a few hours later to a crying baby. I groggily got up and went to her room.

I quickly realized that she had a full diaper and quickly changed it before rocking her back to sleep.

I made my way back into the room and then plopped down, falling asleep almost instantly.

Only to be woken up two hours later from crying.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes before making my way towards Aurora's room. "What's wrong baby girl?" I asked and picked her up. She stopped crying as soon as I picked her up.

I smiled down at her and made my way over to the rocking chair that was in her room and sat down with her.

I stayed with her for a while but then got extremely tired and put her sleeping body back into the crib.

I made my way back over to our room and then crashed on the bed, thankfully this time, I slept until morning.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now