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The past almost two months have been stressful to say the least.

It's now officially 3 days until the wedding and we've actually had everything pretty much done for a few months besides the little things.

You see, I'm the kind of person that once they have something, they get it done almost instantly.

I don't wait last minute... or at all. I just get it done so I'm not stressed and panicked later.

I can just relax.

Which is exactly what I'm doing right now.

I'm currently sitting on the couch feeding Aurora as everyone else runs around trying to pack.

I got done packing 2 days ago.

"I told you guys to not wait." I sang with a smirk. "Shut UP." Gus yelled from his room as I giggled.

We were leaving in about an hour to go to the cabins. We still had to get dinner, meet with the person to get our rooms, and get everything settled in.

Usually Gus is the last one to pack but clearly everyone is struggling.

Colby is actually currently finishing editing for the Sam and Colby channel so he didn't have to do it these next few weeks.

We were having the wedding up in Big Bear because I loved it so much that I really wanted Colby, Aurora and everyone else to experience it.

Colby said he had a surprise for me so I was really excited to see what it was.

My thoughts were interrupted by Aurora smacking my chest. I giggled and looked down at her through the blanket that was on my chest.

"Are you done eating pretty girl?" I asked as she grabbed at the blanket and ripped it off of me just as Kat walked into the room. "Hey, don't be flashing me little one." She said and pointed to Aurora as I cleaned up, making us laugh.

"Can I burp her?" She asked and I nodded. "Of course." I said and smiled. I handed her the blanket and then Aurora and stood up to stretch just as Colby walked out and Kat sat down.

"Did you finish?" I asked and made my way over to him. "Yup." He said and popped the p. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck and tangled my fingers into his hair. "That's good." I said and went to kiss his cheek but he moved his face just in time so I would kiss his lips instead.

"You almost missed, you're welcome for saving it." He said dramatically as I laughed.

"Sure." I said and pulled away, patted his chest and then turned to Kat and Aurora. Kat was grinning at me as she winked, causing me to chuckle.

"Oh! There's my little princess!" Colby said once he saw Kat holding Aurora. "Uh sorry Colby, I'm Sam's." Kat said jokingly and put her hand up as Colby made his way over to them.

"We'll good thing I wasn't talking to you." He said and winked playfully as he grabbed Aurora and spun her around, making her giggle.

Colby and I both stopped in our tracks once we heard it because she's never giggled before.

It was the cutest little giggle I've ever heard in my life.

At the same time, Colby and I both smiled wide smiles and then he kept spinning her and goofing off with her, making her giggle more.

I smiled at the sight of them. They both looked at each other with love as Colby spun them.

It was interrupted by a loud groan and then a loud bang. I whipped my head in the direction to see Gus and his suit case laying on the ground.

I looked at him with confusion written all over my face before I spoke up. "Did you just reverse fall?" I asked him. He looked up at me with confusion before he asked, "huh?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"You groaned and then there was a bang. So, did you reverse fall?" I asked. He still looked at me with confusion so I rolled my eyes and turned to Kat.

"Help." I said and she laughed. "Normally when people fall, the bang comes first and then the groan but you groaned and then there was a bang so she was asking if you reverse fell." He explained. "Exactly." I said.

"The hell is a reverse fall?" He asked as I face palmed.

"Never mind." I mumbled. As he got up and everyone came down stairs.

(Do y'all get what I mean?😂)

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now