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Dom came back a few minutes later with our drinks and gasped. "She's even cuter seeing her fully!" He gushed. "I know right." I said and fed her some more baby peas and Dom nodded.

"Alright well, here are your drinks. What can I get you to eat?" Dom asked and got his pen and paper out.

When we ordered, I couldn't help but notice Colby's harsh tone toward him, and his glare.

"I don't think your fiancé likes me very much, he does know I'm gay and I'm in no interest in you at all, right?" He asked making my eyes go wide.

I quickly turned to Colby to see him looking extremely angry. "I'll give you some space." Dom said and awkwardly patted my shoulder before walking away.

"Babe..." I said after a few seconds. "Don't." He said and rolled his eyes. I folded my lips into my mouth, trying my best not to laugh. Colby's eyes intensely snapped to me once he noticed. "What is so funny Scarlet." He said annoyed.

"Um... he's..." I said and flicked my wrist. "What? He's what?" He asked impatiently. I flicked my wrist more aggressively trying to give him the hint.

His eyes widened and his body physically relaxed as a relieved sigh left his body. "Thank god." He said and leaned his head back and put his hands over his eyes as I giggled.

"Come here." He said into his hands and sighed before dropping them and opening his arms. I put Rora into her stroller and then went over to Colby and sat on his lap.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder and let out another sigh. "Sorry." He mumbled. "You shouldn't be apologizing to me babe." I said and raised my eyebrows.

"Yes I should, I assumed you were blatantly were flirting with some old best friend that you had chemistry with the day before our wedding." He said.

"He's literally been gay since the third grade. We never had chemistry." I said and laughed. "I'm sorry." He said quietly and closed his eyes. "It's okay." I said and kissed his cheek.

"I just feel so protective of you. You're mine, no one else's." He said and I nodded. "I know. Same thing goes for you." I said and he nodded.

"Don't ever worry about that, love. I love you and no one else. Okay well that's a lie. I love a lot of other people but I'm in love with you and only you." I said and smiled. He looked up at me and smiled his big goofy smile.

"I love you, Scarlet Stuart." he said, making me smile. "And I love you, Colby Brock." I said. His smile got bigger and he leaned in and kissed me.

Once we pulled away, we looked into each other's eyes and smiled. We were interrupted by Aurora screaming making us laugh.

"Yes Rora, we know you're there. We didn't forget you sassy." I said with a laugh and got her out. We sat with her for a few until Dom came back. I passed Rora to Colby and then went back over to my side of the booth.

"Hey man, I'm sorry for being a douche earlier." Colby said and scratched the back of his head. "It's no problem. I wasn't obsessing over your fiancé, I was obsessing over you but we are not gonna get into that. Anywho, here's your food. If you need anything let me know. But we're good. Don't worry. Enjoy." He said and winked.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Correction he's been officially gay since the third grade but I've know ever since I met him." I said and we laughed.

We ate our food and then decided to have Aurora try some of Colby's mashed potatoes. "Hold on." I said.

"As her mother, I need to test the food to make sure it's okay for her to eat." I said. Colby grinned and held a fork full out to me. I ate it and then thought for a second. "Yup, she's good." I said, making him laugh and shake his head.

He then got a little bit and then held it out it Rora who opened her mouth for him.

She moved it around in her mouth for a second before swallowing, smiling, and then opening her mouth for more.

Colby and I did a little celebratory dance before the both of us laughed and then Colby fed her more.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now