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As I walked to the kitchen, I heard Gus groaning and Caleb laughing. I turned the corner to see Gus on the floor and Caleb bent over laughing.

"What the hell happened in here?!" I asked giggling. "Gus- he- I- I can't-" Caleb tried to say but couldn't, due to him laughing so hard.

"When I got up fast and ran, I got really dizzy and fell. Sir laugh-a-lot over here hasn't stopped." Gus mumbled and pointed to Caleb.

I joined Caleb in laughing as Gus groaned and stuck the middle finger up to us.

Once our laughing died down, we walked over to Gus and held our hands out. He grabbed it and instead of using it to help himself up, he pulled Caleb down, causing us all to start laughing.

"Alright, let's eat before the food gets cold." I said once our laughter died down.

I helped them get up and we went to the table and played some music while we ate. Once we were done, we cleaned up and then watched more movies until about 11. We decided to go to bed because we only have four more days and so far we've done about nothing and we have so much we want to do.

Although, it's been awesome so, I'm not complaining.

We all said goodnight and then went to bed.

We woke up the next morning at around 8 and ate and then started getting ready. While I was doing my makeup, Colby called me.

"Hi baby!" I cheered and he chuckled. "Hi love. Whatcha doing?" He asked. "Getting ready. What about you?" I asked. "Resting. Last night was crazy." He said. "Tell me about it." I said.

And he did. He told me everything that happened while I finished getting ready. "Whoa. That's insane." I said and shook my head. "I know right! It was crazy but so cool babe." He said and smiled, causing me to smile.

"I can't wait to get back into that stuff. I know it's weird but... i don't know i just miss it, you know?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah I get it. It's your roots, where you started and what you love doing, even if you have bad memories with it. You still love it and you miss it. Trust me, I understand." He said and chuckled. "Exactly." I said.

We continued talking until the boys were ready meaning we were gonna leave. "Okay, the boys are ready. I gotta go." I said and he pouted. "Okay baby. Be safe, have fun, and I love you." He said and I smiled. "I love you too." I said and he smiled.

"Hey Colby." He said grabbing the phone. "Sup brother." Colby asked and Caleb shrugged. "Nothing much, we have to get going soon though." Caleb said, turning to look at us.

"Okay, I'll let you guys go. Bye I love you all." Colby said laughing. "Love you too!" We all yelled and then hung up. "Alright let's get this show on the road!" Caleb said and we all cheered and then got up and went out to the car.

"So, where are we going?" Gus asked and Caleb and I looked at each other, smirked, and then ignored Gus.

The whole ride was Gus complaining and wondering where we were going, Caleb and I sharing glances and continuing to ignore him, and the soft music in the background.

Once we got there, Gus gasped. "THE ZOO!!!" He yelled. We all got out and I got really excited.

You see, California is known for bears, and I just so happen to be obsessed with them... and this zoo has bears... so I may or may not be very excited for today.

We ran to the zoo, me a little slower than usual, and paid before running in.

We looked around at all of the animals, having a great time filming and taking lots of Snapchat's and videos when it finally became time to see the bears.

We decided to see them last because we all knew that I wouldn't want to leave them.

"Let's go let's go let's go!" I yelled and then grabbed their wrists and pulled them towards the bear attraction.

When we got there, I screamed and ran to them. We took about one hundred photos and videos, and I started tearing up.

"What's wrong?" Gus asked and I turned to him. "I love them." I said and then started to cry happy tears.

He laughed and pulled me to him but I pushed him away. "You're ruining the sight of the bears." I said and sniffled as Gus laughed.

I decided to call Colby. Once he answered, his smile instantly dropped. "Baby... what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing. Look!" I said and wiped my tears away and then flipped the camera.

Once he saw them, he chuckled and then I flipped the camera back around. "Are you happy you finally get to see the bears baby?" He asked and I nodded before letting a few more tears slip.

"I love them..so much. Can we please get a baby bear? Please?" I asked and his eyes went wide. "Baby. I'm sorry but we can't get a bear." He said, causing more tears to form. "Okay..." I said and sniffled.

I said goodbye and then hung up and hung out with the bears for a little while longer before we were forced to leave because it was closing.

After that, we went and grabbed dinner because we were starting to get really hungry.

"Are you ready for the next stop?" I asked and Gus nodded.

I looked to Caleb and smiled. Gus was gonna love this next spot.

Caleb winked and then we started the drive to....

Well, you'll see😉

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now