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"W-what?" I asked as a bunch of doctors and nurses came into the room and started preparing.

"It's okay, just take a deep breath and listen to us okay? If we say to push, push. If we say to stop, you have to stop. Okay?" The nurse said and I nodded.

I looked up to Colby with tears in my eyes. I was terrified. Completely terrified.

"It's okay. I'm here." He said and grabbed my hand tightly and then lent down to kiss my head.

"Ready mama?" The nurse asked and I nodded. "Alright, let's have this baby." She said.

I've never been in so much pain in my life. I'm almost positive I broke Colby's hand.

But he was very supportive and I'm very grateful for him. He never complained about me squeezing the life out of his hand, and no matter how many times I yelled at him, he always knew that I didn't mean it and I was just in pain. He would ignore my fits and just continue kissing my forehead, holding my hand, and whispering sweet nothings to me.

I was screaming and crying in pain, about to give up after 30 very long minutes of pushing  and pain when finally, I heard the cries of a baby. Our baby.

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 8:54 am, Aurora Maisie Brock was born at 7 pounds, 2 ounces and 19 inches.

They placed her onto my chest and then Colby cut the cord.

"Hi babygirl." I whispered, staring down at our perfect baby girl. Our time was up when the doctor took her for me to be cleaned and dressed.

She was placed on my chest as right then and there, I felt the happiest I've ever felt. "Hi Aurora. I'm mommy." I said and sniffled and then looked up at Colby who had the biggest smile on his face while tears spilled out of his eyes and down his cheeks.

He was leaning down, smiling at our baby girl when he looked to me. "Good job baby. You did it and you were amazing." He said and kissed my head, causing my smile to grow. "Thank you." I whispered and looked back down at her.

"You wanna go see daddy?" I asked and then positioned myself to make it easier for me to pass her to Colby.

He very gently took her into his arms as fresh tears rolled down his face.

"Hi Rora. I'm your daddy. Me and mommy love you so much baby girl." He said and kissed her head.

We spent a little time with her before the doctor checked up on us and made sure she was okay before sending everyone in.

"Knock knock." Sam said as he peaked his head in. Everyone filled in and came over to us.

"Oh my god she's so cute!" Kat said quietly but excitedly. Everyone agreed and admired her while I admired Colby.

I didn't think I could love him more than I already had but i guess I was wrong. The way he looked at Aurora made my heart melt.

I knew he was gonna be an amazing father and I was gonna try my damn best to be an amazing mother.

"Can I hold her?" Everyone asked at the same time. "Of course. Who's going first?" Colby said and chuckled.

Colby and I decided to skip the whole 'god parent' thing because it was too tough choosing between everyone. We knew if we chose two people, the rest would be sad.

After a full 5 minute argument between everyone, Sam was first to hold her. He smiled down at her and held onto one of her tiny little hands.

"She's adorable. You guys did good." Sam said and Colby chuckled. "Thanks man." He said.

He held her for a little before passing her to Gus. Sam hugged Colby and then bent down and hugged me.

"Congrats you guys. I'm proud of you." Sam said. "Thanks man." Colby said and smiled at his best friend. "Thanks Sammy." I said weakly with a smile.

I took my attention from Sam and Colby to Gus who was holding Aurora. Him and Caleb were huddling around her smiling. Caleb held one of her hands and waved it around as Gus lightly bounced her.

"My turn!" Caleb said excitedly as Gus passed her to him.

It warmed my heart to see my two best friends interacting with my daughter.

"My turn." Tom said as Caleb passed her to him. "Hi little one. You look just like me, adorable." He said and smiled at her. "She's cuter and you know it." Gus said and rolled his eyes.

"My turn!" Katrina said happily and took Aurora out of his hands. "Hi my sweet angel." She said and smiled down at her.

We hung out for a little while until Aurora woke up crying and the doctor came in.

"Alright. So it seems that she's hungry. Are your ready to try breastfeeding?" She asked and I went wide eyed.

Am I?

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now