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"Why did you drag us away from the food?" Kat complained and me and Colby laughed. "Becauseee we have something for you." I said and smiled. "No." Tom said and I looked at him weirdly. "Huh?" I asked.

"I feel unsafe." He said and I looked at him like he was crazy. "What?" I asked. "I feel like I'm gonna get pranked, therefore I feel unsafe and I want to go back to the food." He said.

"Tuff shit. Anyways, close your eyes." I said and Tom's eyes went wide. "Absolutely not! Did you not hear what I-" he started but I slapped his arm. "Shh." I said. "Just do it brother." Colby laughed. Tom rolled his eyes and then closed them, Kat doing the same.

"Okay, Wait right here with Colby." I said. I grabbed the two sticks and then the shirts I made for them, and the gender neutral onesies I picked up at the store. I placed it all on the bed and then moved them to face it.

"Okay, open." They opened their eyes and Tom gasped as Kat screamed and turned around, instantly hugging me, causing me to laugh and hug her back. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god I'm gonna be an aunt! You're pregnant! There's gonna be a little you or Colby running around! Oh my god I'm so excited and happy! Congrats oh my god!" Kat rushed out, I laughed.

"Calm down." I said and she hugged me again. She then pulled away and hugged Colby. "Oh my god! Congrats guys! I'm so happy for you guys!" She cheered. "Thanks Kat." We said and smiled at her.

She then turned and looked at Tom. "Don't be dumb and just stand there! Our sister is pregnant! Do something!" She said and slapped the back of his head causing me to laugh.

He shook his head, getting himself out of his shocked stage and then death glared Kat. "That hurt." He whined and rubbed where she hit. Kat rolled her eyes at him and then gestured to us. "Oh, right. Congrats guys." He said and hugged me and then Colby.

He pulled away and thought for a minute before he looked back up at us with another shocked look.

"Oh wait! You're pregnant! IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE!" He sorta yelled and then gave me a better hug. "Congrats little sis. I'm happy for you. I already know I'm gonna be the favorite uncle." Tom said and then pulled away.

He then glared at Colby. "But you." He said. "Uh oh." Colby said and stood behind me. "I don't know if I want to kill you... or hug you." Tom said. "Uh the second one please." Colby said, terrified. I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty scared as well.

"Hmmmm." He said and then jumped at Colby and.... Surprisingly hugged him. Okay, this is going better than I suspected.

"Congrats man!" Tom cheered. "Phew, I was almost positive you were gonna kill me." Colby said and we all laughed.

After a few minutes of us talking, I dismissed them the go back downstairs. I made sure to tell them to have everyone go outside, and to tell them that we had a very special announcement.

I gave Colby the shirt I got him and we put our shirts on. They said "mom to be" and "dad to be". We then grabbed the party poppers and made our way downstairs.

"Everyone close your eyes!" I yelled as we hid. They did as I said and then I whispered to Colby what we were doing. He nodded and then we went outside.

"Okay, open your eyes on three." He said. "One! Two! Three!" Everyone screamed and then opened their eyes. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!" Me and Colby cheered and then popped the confetti poppers as everyone cheered and screamed.

Everyone came up to us and congratulated us and gave us hugs. I'm so happy and excited.

I'm also so glad that everyone was happy for us. It makes me so so happy.

After a while of talking, we went inside and celebrated.

I can't wait for our little baby to be born.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now