18 (Colbys POV)

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We were just laying there, having a good conversation when she said, "Colby. Quick. The baby." My heart instantly dropped. What the hell did she mean "the baby"?!

"What do you mean? Is she okay? What's happening?" I asked, panic filling me completely as the worst possible thoughts popped into my mind.

I tried to sit up but she pushed me down, grabbed my hand and put it under her shirt and onto her stomach.

And then the tears came to my eyes.

I felt it.

I felt the baby kick.

Its so special knowing that our little baby is in there, growing and kicking my hand.

It's just so special to me and I'm sure it is to Scar as well.

"Do you feel it?" She whispered and I nodded as a happy tear fell. I smiled big up at her and nodded again. "Yeah, I do." I said and then moved Scar and pulled her shirt up, looking at her stomach, and smiled.

"Hi babygirl. It's daddy. We can't wait to meet you. I love you Rora." I said and saw Scar smile. I kissed her stomach and then leaned up and kissed her passionately, pouring all of the love I felt running through me, into the kiss.

I couldn't wait to marry her, I couldn't wait to meet our little baby girl, and I couldn't wait for all of the adventures and challenges we're gonna face together.

We talked for a little while later, my head laying just above her bump with my hand on her stomach as she played with my hair.

She yawned and I looked up at her. "Tired?" I asked and she closed her eyes and nodded. "Okay, let's go to bed then." I said. "Okay. Night baby. I love you." She said and I smile. "Night babygirl. I love you too." I said and then closed my eyes.

When I woke up, Scar was peacefully sleeping. I smiled at her and watched her sleep, taking in how peaceful and adorable she looked.

I laughed and shook my head before getting up and going downstairs. I decided to make her breakfast because I was in a really good mood.

I don't know if it's gonna be as good as hers but I'm gonna try my damn best to make it at least the littles bit appetizing.

I made pancakes, bacon, hash browns and toast for the both of us, and then brought it upstairs.

I set the plates on the dresser and then walked over to the bed and shook her. "Baby. Wake up." I said. She slightly opened her eyes and then smiled at me.

"Hi baby." She said and stretched. "I made you something." I said with a smile. "Hmm?" She asked. I turned and got our plates and passed her, hers. She smiled at me and then took a bite and groaned. "This is sooo good. Thank you baby!" She exclaimed and giggled as I laughed and sat in the bed next to her.

"You're welcome baby girl." I said and then turned the tv on. We watched some tv as we ate. Once we were done, she grabbed my plate and brought it down stairs and started washing them.

"I would've done that, you know." I said and raised my eyebrows at her. "I know. But you cooked so I wanted to wash the dishes for you." She said.

I smiled and went up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist as I rested my head on her shoulder. "Thank you." I whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek.

"No need to thank me, love." She said and turned her face to kiss me. I didn't hesitate to press my lips to hers, giving her a long soft kiss before she turned back to the dishes.

My chin resumed its place back on her shoulder as she finished the dishes. Once she was done, we continued unpacking the other stuff that we didn't get to.

Once we were finished unpacking, we went into the living room and cuddled up, continuing to watch the show we were watching before.

It wasn't long before Scar got a call from Caleb.

"Hey Cay!" She said. "Oh no.. again?... me too... yeah... okay I'll see you soon... alright love you too... bye." She said and then sighed and hung up.

"Caleb is coming over soon. He needs to talk to me." She said and I nodded. "Okay. Are you alright?" I asked and she nodded but didn't look at me.

I didn't want to bug her for answers so I just left it alone.

I'd ask after they talk.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now