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Once we were ready, we got in the car and headed towards the grocery store. We blared music and sung our hearts out to it.

Once we got there, we got a cart and went inside. "Alright, let's start." I said and then started walking around, putting things in the cart.

As we shopped, Colby would throw things we didn't need, into the cart. He said we did need all of it but in reality, we really didn't.

I filmed the whole thing for my channel because it was really entertaining.

"Colby. We do not need those." I said to him as he put this new kind of cookies into the cart. "Yes we do babe. It's always good to try new things." He said and shrugged. "We're both leaving in a week." I pointed out.

He just shrugged again. I laughed and shook my head but kept shopping.

"Baaaaabeeee" Colby whined after a few more minutes of walking around. "Yes love?" I asked. "I'm so bored. We've been here forever." He said and I laughed.

"We've haven't even been here half an hour." I said. "Still! Too. damn. long." He complained and then rested his head on my shoulder.

"Fine, then we'll split up and you can help me." I said and he sighed dramatically. "Okaaaaayyy." He said and then I split the rest of the list in half and gave it to him.

He walked off instantly, trying to find the things on the list so we could go. I laughed a little and then continued.

As I was searching for my last item and filming, there was a lady eyeing me. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Uh... can I help you?" I asked as kindly as possible.

"No. But don't you think you're just a little too young to be doing that with random guys and getting pregnant?" My jaw dropped to the ground.

"Excuse me?" I asked. "It's disgusting how young girls like you think you all can just be sluts and open your legs to any guy who looks in your direction. It's nasty. You should just kill that poor child while you can. I wouldn't put it past you." She said.

"First of all, I don't "open my legs to any guy who looks at me", I'm 26 and I'm pregnant with my fiancé's baby, not that it's any of your business, and the only disgusting thing is you. Don't assume someone's life, especially when you don't know them and, don't tell people what to do with their own child. You're actually disgusting." I said and then Colby walked over.

"What's going on?" He asked. "Nothing, let's go fiancé." I said and then kissed him. The lady looked pissed. I smirked and then took Colby's hand and pulled him with me.

"Are you alright?" He asked as we made our way towards the check out. "Yeah I'm fine. I caught everything that just happened on camera. I'll show you once we get to the car." I said and smiled reassuringly at him. "Okay." He said.

We quickly did self check out and then went to the car and put all of the groceries in the trunk.

As Colby put the cart away, I got into the driver seat and went through the footage until I found the clip of the lady. I waited for Colby and then played it once he got situated.

"What a bitch." He said and clenched his jaw as I nodded "I know." I said.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that and that I wasn't there." He said and frowned. "It's okay baby. You were. It was a little delayed but you were." I said and giggled as he slightly smiled.

"You ready to go?" I asked and grabbed his hand. He nodded and I started the car. We headed towards Brennen's and sang to the radio.

When we got there, Colby gave me a kiss and then walked into the house. Once the door closed, I pulled out of the driveway and headed to the house.

I shot Cay a text, saying that I was there and a few seconds later, both boys walked out.

"Best friends!" I exclaimed as they got in the car. "Best friend!" They said.

We laughed and then I drove us to my house. When we got there, we went inside and made small talk as I put the groceries away.

Once they were all away, we went Into the living room to talk.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now