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"Babe are you ready?!" I called from the living room. Today Colby and I were taking Aurora on a little family adventure day because we haven't really had one of those yet since we've been so busy.

"Uh yeah just one more second!" He called back down. I chuckled and shook my head before looking down at Aurora.

"Daddy is never on time, is he?" I asked and made a silly face at her, making her giggle. I couldn't help but join her. "What are you two giggling about?" Colby asked when he walked in.

He looked really good, I will give him that. Even with the certain attire he was wearing.

"Oh nothing." I said, trying to keep a straight face. He raised his eye brows and grinned. "Suuuure." He said and then grabbed the bags.

"Alright, let's go." He said and nodded towards the door. I stood up with Aurora and we made our way out of the house.

I strapped Rora into her car seat as Colby put the bags in the car and then got in and stared it.

Once she was all strapped in, I got in the passenger seat and put on my seatbelt and then grabbed Colby's hand and smiled at him. "Let's go!" I said excitedly. He grinned and then leaned over and kissed me before turning back and pulling out of the dirt parking lot and driving to our adventure spot.

Colby and I sang and danced to songs while Aurora silently judged from the back.

After a few minutes, Aurora pouted her lip and then started crying making Colby and I burst into laughter. "Sorry Rora. I didn't think we we're THAT bad." Colby said as I continued to laugh. He laughed with me again and then I finally calmed down enough to wipe the tears that had fallen.

"That was great." I said, making him chuckle and nod. We silently continued our drive, too afraid that if we'd speak, Aurora would have a fit.

I'm totally sort of kidding.

Anyways, we eventually pulled up to the place we were going to which was Walmart. "You stay here so we don't have to disturb the princess." He said and grinned, making me laugh.

"Okay." I said. He closed the door and then jogged to the entrance. He came back a little later with what we needed and then put it in the trunk before getting back in.

"Alright, you ready?" He asked and grabbed my hand. "Yup." I said and popped the p. He nodded and then started the drive to our destination.

When we got there, we got all of our stuff and then climbed started our climb to the top. You might be wondering where we are, and I'm gonna tell you but it's probably not what you're thinking.

We're at a hill.

Yes, just a hill.

"Ready to go sledding Rora?" I asked and bounced her on my hip. She looked up at me blankly and then rested her head on my chest. "Please don't tell me you're tired already. We haven't even gotten to the best part!" I exclaimed and then giggled.

Colby set up our things and then held his arms out. "Come here princess." I handed Rora off with and grin and then Colby sat down with her in the sled as I pulled my phone out.

"Okay, three two one! Let's goooooo." Colby said and pushed off of the snowy ground. I heard both Colby and Rora laughing as they sped down the hill. It wasn't too big to the point where we would be struggling to get up every time, but also big enough to enjoy it.

I smiled as they went down, and I sort of just took a second to bask in the amount of happiness and love I was feeling.

I never wanted it to end.

When they got to the bottom, I stopped the recording and quickly sent it to the group chat. I then saw Colby getting up with Rora and then starting to come back up to the top.

Colby looked at me and smiled as they climbed up with the sled. "Your turn." He said with a smile. I grinned at him and then prepared the sled and then sat down and held my arms out.

"Ready babygirl?" I asked Rora and bounced her. She looked up at me with a big smile which absolutely melted my heart.

"Okay, let's go!"

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now