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I quickly went into my room and grabbed my phone before we made our way to his room and plopped down on his bed on the opposite sides.

"Night. Wake me up if you need anything." I said and yawned. "Night, love you and thank you again." Gus said. "No need to thank me. Love you too." I said and then passed out a few minutes later.

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm causing me to groan. "Ew. Turn that stupid thing off." Gus mumbled and turned on his side.

Aaaaand he's back.

"I am, I am." I said and sighed as I turned on my side and turned it off and then got out of the bed.

He was passed out again so I just went to my room to start getting things ready and to check on Colby.

When I walked in the room, he was surprisingly up and on his phone. "Hey." I said, causing him to look up at me and smile. "Hey baby. Where were you?" He asked. "Gus had another bad dream so I slept in his bed. This one was worse than others." I said and sighed.

"Is he okay?" He asked and placed his phone on the bed. "Yeah. He woke up to my alarm and told me to "turn that stupid thing off."." I said and we laughed.

"Yeah, he's okay now." Colby said and I nodded. "Alright, I'm gonna take a shower quickly and then I'm gonna start setting up." I said as I got my clothes. He nodded and gave me a kiss.

I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower and then got out and got dressed.

After that, I went down stairs and started setting up. Soon after Caleb, Kat, Sam, and Colby came down and helped me.

Then eventually Tom and Gus came and helped as well, stopping to eat at some point. Once everything was set up and ready, we all headed to our rooms to get ready.

I slipped on a t-shirt that showed my bump and some jeans that surprisingly still fit me. After that I did some light makeup and then braided my hair into French braid pigtails.

Once I was done getting ready, I went down stairs and watched some tv while I waited.

Once everyone started showing up, everyone came out of their rooms and we all went outside.

"This is so cute!" Tara exclaimed as she hugged me. "But you look cuter." She said and winked, causing me to giggle and Colby to fake glare at her.

"No trying to steal my girl Tara." Colby said and pointed at her causing us to giggle. "No promises." Tara said and winked again at me.

"And if she doesn't steal her than I will!" Dev said causing me to laugh and Colby's eyes to go wide. "Jesus, is everyone after my girl?" He asked, to which everyone yelled out, "yes" causing us all to burst out in laughter.

"You look so good though!" Devyn exclaimed. "Thanks Dev." I said and smiled. I heard a gasp from behind me, causing me to turn around and see Jake with his jaw dropped.

"Scar our star!" He yelled and hugged me, causing me to laugh. "The nickname is still the same after all these years?" I asked and he nodded and pulled away. "Of course." He said.

"Sup life saver!" Corey yelled causing me to laugh again. That seems to be all I'm doing today, but I'm not complaining.

"These nicknames are giving me major flashbacks." I said and chuckled as the boys nodded.

We sat around and shared memories before we decided it was time to start opening things. Well, it's was Kat's idea, she was getting impatient.

"Okay let's get this started!" Kat said excitedly causing Colby and I to laugh. We went through the presents, getting clothes, diapers, a stroller, wipes, bottles, a diaper bag and things like that.

I was really grateful for everyone.

"Okay! This one everyone pitched in on and we all hope you like it... it's also part of your birthday gift but that's besides the point." she said. I looked at Colby and scrunched my eyebrows, he just smirked at me.

"Uh okay, what is it." I asked. "Follow me!" She exclaimed. "We'll be back everyone!" She exclaimed and started skipping towards the car.

Where the hell are we going?

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now