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When we woke up, we chilled, and swam in the lake behind our cabin because we haven't done that yet.

Once it got close to time to leave, I texted Gabby the details and then we all went inside and got ready.

Once we were ready, we all left and headed to the show. "So... where are we going...?" Gus asked from the back seat.

"Somewhere." Caleb said. "A place." I said. "Guysss." He whined and we giggled.

The whole time he tried to find out and ask where we were going but we wouldn't budge.

When we got there, Gus was very confused but we kept ignoring him.

"Scar!" We heard someone yell. We all turned in the direction of the voice and saw Gabby. I smiled and ran over to her, the boys following close after.

"Hey!" I said and hugged her. "Hi! I cant believe this is actually happening. It's literally my dream." She said and I giggled.

"Better believe it girl. Let's go! Gus still doesn't know." I whispered the last part.

We giggled and then pulled the boys into the place.

We sat in our seats and Gus put his head on my shoulder and started whining again. "Scarletttt!! Where are we?! What is this and what's happening?" "Gus I swear to god if you don't shut the hell up and be patient for once in your life-" I said and then Caleb looked to us.

"You're gonna absolutely love this so just shut up and wait." He said sternly and I looked at him with wide eyes.

Gus sighed and rolled eyes but stayed quiet for the rest of the time.

I think he was just secretly surprised and scared that Caleb said that.

I giggled to myself and shook my head before waiting for the show to start.

We heard the opening song start and the lights turned on, signaling that it was starting. As soon as Gus heard the song, his head shot up.

"Nightmare before Christmas." Is all he said so I winked at him.

Just then, all of the creatures and stuff starting coming out of places on the stage and Gus practically screamed.

"WE'RE AT A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS SHOW!" He yelled and started screaming the lyrics. Caleb, Gabby, and I all laughed before joining him in screaming.

The show was amazing. We all absolutely loved it.

It was so fun and awesome.

I cant lie, I love the nightmare before Christmas too so it was really special and amazing.

By the time it was done though, none of us could really talk. But it was 100% worth it.

"Bye Gabby. It was nice meeting you and hanging out. Texts us whenever." Caleb said and smiled, Gus and I smiling and waving as well. "You too! Good luck with the birth Scar." She said and I chuckled.

"Thanks. I'm gonna need it." I said and giggled.

She waved and then walked off to her car. We got in ours and drove back to the cabin.

When we got there, we ate some dinner and dessert as we talked about random ass shit.

Once we finished eating, we all went to our rooms and started packing. I started to get really sad because this was truly one of the best weeks ever.

I had so much fun and I really don't want it to stop but, I am very excited to see everyone else. I smiled at the thought of seeing Colby tomorrow.

I've really really missed him this past week.

I shook my head and put my music on, drowning out my thoughts. I didn't want to be sad.

Once we got done packing, we all went out to the living room and sat down.

"I have an idea." Gus said. "Explain." I said. "We should make a fort and watch movies." He said and Caleb and I looked at each other. "Yes." Is all we said before making our way to our rooms to get all of the pillows and blankets we had.

We went into the living room and begun building. I wish I was lying when I say that it took about 2 hours to build, but it did.

Once we were done, we got comfy and cuddled all together and watched a shit ton of Christmas movies until we had to go to bed.

It truly has been one of the best weeks of my life.

(Two things. One, the past few chapters I've been really self conscious about. Two, yesterday (October 16th, 2021) SAM AND COLBY LIKED MY TWEET!!!! I'm so, so happy. But yet again, it has been the most stressful two days. Anyways, I hope even though they were shit, you enjoyed lmao)

(Update again because this is seconds before I actually post the chapter, they ended up liking ANOTHER one of my tweets less than a week after that👆 one. I was so happy😭 so many of my idols liked my tweets all through October so I now declare October to be my month😂 but anyways, always remember that dreams do come true!)

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