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Once I said that, his face instantly screwed up and into a giant smile. I smiled once he did because it's so contagious.

He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms tightly around me and then picked me up and spun me around, making me giggle.

"What's got you guys so excited?" Gus asked and wiggled his eyebrows. "I think I finally healed." I said with a giant smile once Colby put me down and I turned to Gus.

Colby pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around my waist as Gus's face scrunched up in confusion. "Huh? From what?" I asked as everyone came into the kitchen.

"From the asylum, crazy. You know. I think I finally healed from it." I said making everyone's jaw drop. Kat screamed and ran to me as Gus, Caleb, and Tom did as well.

Kat ripped me from Colby's arms and wrapped her arms very tightly around me, Gus, Caleb and Tom joining.

It hurt really badly and I couldn't really breathe  but I didn't really care. This was a really big thing for the five of us and a really big accomplishment for me.

I started to cry thinking about everything that had happen and the fact that I was finally over it. Everyone tightened their grip ever so slightly once my body stated jerking slightly because of me crying.

Everyone pulled away and Kat pulled me into her. We hugged for a few before she pulled away.

"I'm so happy for you." She said as she smiled and then sniffled. I smiled back and nodded. "Thanks sis." I said but then was pulled into another set of arms.

"Congrats little sis. I'm so happy and proud of you." Tom said, making fresh tears form. "Thanks big brother." I said and sniffed, causing him to squeeze me a little bit harder.

He pulled away and smiled before Caleb gently grabbed me and pulled me into a big hug. He squeezed me tightly and gently rocked us from side to side.

"Congrats best. I'm so proud of you." He said and squeezed me a little harder before letting go, placing his hand on my shoulder, and then he smiled at me. I smiled back with watery eyes. "Thanks Cay." I said and he nodded before I was pulled into the last set of arms.


I tried to keep it together the best I could but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I tightened my grip on him and started sobbing into his chest, causing him to tighten his grip and to rub my back to try to comfort me.

Gus understood my pain when everything went down, to another level. Yes I had Cay and Kat and Tom, but Gus was there 24/7. There was never a time where he wouldn't be with me after that- while I was still suffering really badly from it.

I ranted about it to him all the time and I even went as far as to explain ever single detail to him.

Ever since then, he's helped me through anything and everything with the asylum and everything in general that I struggled with.

Like yeah, Cay, Tom, Kat, and everyone have also helped but they weren't there for literally every single thing like Gus was.

And vice versa.

So this is a big thing for the both of us and it's making me hella emotional.

We stood there for a while before Gus whispered something.

"I am so, so proud of you."

We stayed like that for a while until he pulled away and looked at me with a big smile while tears ran down his face.

"You did it best friend." He said, making me smile. "I wouldn't have made it without you guys." I said quietly. He pulled me back into him and held me for a few before I pulled away and sniffled.

"Thank you for everything. I mean it when I say that I wouldn't have made it without you guys and I honestly wouldn't have gotten through this without you. You have stuck by my side through thick and thin and I truly couldn't thank you enough." I said while tears rolled down my face constantly.

Gus face screwed up and so he wrapped his arms around me again and buried his face into my neck.

"Always and forever."

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now