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"Hey Cay!" I said into the phone. "Hey! Um.. so Gus had three nightmares last night." He said and sighed. "Oh no.. again?" I asked feeling my heart ache for Gus.

"Yeah. I'm worried about him Scar. Really worried." He said. "Me too." I said. "This hasn't happened for years! I don't get it!" He yelled and then sighed and stayed silent for a moment. "Do you know what it could be?" "Yeah." I said.

"Really? You know what, I'll be over in a few. We can talk about it then." He said and I nodded. "Okay I'll see you soon." I said. "Yeah I'll be there in like... 10. Love you Scar." He said. "Alright love you too..." I said. "Bye." He said. "Bye." I said and then sighed and hung up.

I nervously played with Colby's rings as I waited for Caleb to get here. I wasn't super concerned before.. okay I was but I felt a little bit better that he opened up to me and said that is was just because I was moving.

He said that he was fine, so I figured that he would be. I should've know though.

And I know it's bad if Caleb is super stressed about it.

That made me more nervous. The way he sounded when he talked... he was like, sad and scared and worried. It made me 10x more nervous.

I practically flinched when I heard knocks at the door. "Whoa. You okay?" Colby asked. I nodded and got up, going over to the door.

I opened it to reveal a very stressed out Caleb. That also broke my heart. "Hey." He said and slightly smiled.

"Hey." I said, returning one and stepping out of the way so he could walk in. "I'm still not over your house." He said and I laughed. "Me either." I said. We walked into the living room so that Cay could say hi to Colby.

"Brotherrrr." Colby said standing up. "Sup brother." Cay said. They did a bro hug and then Colby sat back down.

"You okay brother? You look stressed." Colby said, worry crossing his face. Caleb looked at me and then back.

"I'm fine. Scar can tell you later, I just have to talk to her about something." He said and Colby nodded.

"Okay. I'm gonna go edit. Let me know if you need anything." Colby said and then nodded at Cay and then walked over to the office.

"We can talk outside. Do you want something to eat or drink? We don't have much because we haven't gone grocery shopping but, we have some stuff." I said and shrugged.

"I'll take a glass of wine please." He said and I nodded. We took our glasses, mine being sparkling cider, and went outside to sit under the gazebo.

"You said you think you know what it is?" He asked and I shook my head. "I know what it is. It was about me moving. He didn't give me much detail but it was about me moving and being away from us and if we stopped being friends and stuff like that. He said that they were so realistic." I said and shook my head.

"Do you think he's telling the truth?" He asked and I nodded. "Partially. I feel like there's more to it though." I said and he nodded.

We sat their for a minute and thought. "What else could it be?" He asked. "I have no idea." I said and sighed, putting my head in my hands that were propped up on the counter by my elbows. "Maybe we should just ask him. We sit down and talk to him, let him rant." He suggested and I looked up at him.

"You think that'll work?" I asked. "That and maybe we take a little vacation together. Just the three of us. We haven't done that in forever. We haven't even really hung out just the three of us in forever." He said and I gasped. "Yes! That's perfect! Aww I love it. Colby is going on a trip in two weeks so why don't we plan it for then. But it should be a surprise." I said and he nodded.

"Let's do it. Where should we go?" He asked and I smirked. "You know where." I said and he smirked back. "You're totally right." He said.

"It's a date. We'll talk to him tomorrow after I go to the grocery store. Colby has to help Brennen film anyways. We'll have the house to ourselves to talk." I said and he nodded.

"Sounds good." He said and then we stood up. "I'll walk you out." I said and then he nodded. We walked to the door and then I hugged him. "I'll pick you guys up once I drop Colby off." I said and he nodded and pulled away.

"Okay. Just text me." He said and I nodded. "Bye Scar, love you. I'll see ya tomorrow." He said and then opened the door and stepped out. "Bye love you. See you tomorrow!" I said and then waved at him, him returning one and then he got in his car and drove off.

I closed the door and made my way to the office.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now