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I pushed off and then we went flying down the hill. As we did so, Aurora giggled loudly and smacked her hands on my legs as I held onto her tightly so she wouldn't fly off.

I giggled with her until we reached the bottom. "Did you have fun?!" I asked her. She smiled and slapped my legs again, making me laugh. "Okay, we'll go again." I smiled and then stood up and started the journey back up with her and the sled.

We repeated this process for about an hour before she desperately needed a nap. We went back to the car and I put everything away as Colby strapped her in. "She's passed out." He said quietly and chuckled once I got in the car. "I bet. She was tired before we even started." I said and laughed quietly.

Colby smiled and took my hand before we made our way to our next destination.

"I'm so glad we're here because I'm starving." I said and got the stroller out as Colby made his way to attempt to get Aurora out. "I bet. Okay, don't hate me for this." Colby mumbled and then carefully took Aurora out of her car seat, trying his best to not wake her up.

It didn't work though because she started screaming as she hit his chest.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you can go back to bed." He mumbled to her. He eventually got her to calm down and then he placed her very carefully into the stroller, sighing in success when she stayed asleep.

"Nice." Is all I said. He grinned and then grabbed my hand and pushed her towards the entrance.

"Hi, what can I help you guys with." The lady at asked. "Uh a booth for two please." Colby said and let out a deep breath.

"No problem, right this way." She said. She grabbed us some menus and then lead us over to a booth.

"Okay, here are your menus and someone will be out to serve you shortly." She said and smiled at us before turning to leave.

We silently looked through the menu until a waiter came over. "Hey guys. My name's Dominic and I'm gonna be your server. Can I start you off with a drink?" he said, making my eyes go wide and my head snap up.

"No way. Dom?!" I exclaimed. "Scar?! The hell?" He asked. I laughed and stood up to hug him. "Holy shit I cant believe you're here!" He said and I nodded.

"And I can't believe you are either." I said. "Where's everyone else?" He asked. "Uh.. at the cabins we're renting. Dom, meet my fiancé Colby and our daughter Aurora." I said and gestured to them.

"Colby, this is my other childhood best friend that I've talked about, Dom." I said with a smile.

I saw Colby kind of relax when I said that which was a little weird.

"Sup man." Colby said with a small smile and then shook hands with Dom.

"This is your fiancé?! You have a kid?! Damn b." He said and chuckled and I saw Colby tense.

Dom then leaned down and whispered into my ear, and then leaned away and I laughed.

"Trust me, I know." I said. I saw Colby's jaw clench so I reached over and held his hand. "Alright, ready for your drinks?" He asked and I nodded and looked at Colby.

"Go ahead." I said with a small smile, trying to show that everything was okay. "I'll take a coke." He said with a hint of anger in his voice.

I shot him a glare and then turned to Dom and smiled. "And I know what you want." He said and winked, making me laugh. "Root beer." We said at the same time. We laughed and then he nodded. "On it, I'll be back in a sec." He said and then waved his fingers and left.

I turned to Colby and raised my eyebrows. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing." He mumbled and then crossed his arms and leaned back, not looking at me.

Just then Aurora started to get fussy so I pulled her out of the stroller and grabbed her food and started to feed her.

"I know somethings wrong baby, just tell me." I said but he just rolled his eyes.

Insane 2 // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now