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     "Hey! You guys, we hate to like, interrupt you,"

     "But we've like, received an anonymous tip about a human wearing a striped shirt." The 1st Guard was some sort of beefy Rabbit Monster, his ears came out of the top of the helmet, one of which was pierced with a large hoop earring. The second one had a longer face, as well as horns and ears that looked like bat wings.  Both of them were wearing standard Royal Guard armor, but the chest plates were covering in the same kind of cooling dirt that Undyne gave Chara (not that Chara used any, yet she still complains about the heat).
"They told us that they were wandering around Hotland Right now..." Chara and I exchanged worried looks. "I know, sounds scary, huh?"

     "Well, just stay chill, we'll bring you someplace safe, ok?" They walked forward with us to a more open area. Chara and I whisper-yelled to each other.

     "Frisk! What are we going to do? We can't just follow them around forever!"

     "I know that! But... these guys seem to be kinda..."


     "I wasn't going to say that..." She looked at me as if to say 'Really?' "Okay, yeah, they're kinda dumb."

     "Well look at the bunny guy. He keeps looking over at the other one's ass."

     "And you were paying attention because...?" Chara looked away for a second.

    "Th-that's not important! I think we could exploit it to get away."

     "What are we supposed to do, call him out?" Chara paused. "That's what I thought—" Before she could think of a valid counter argument, the Rabbit Guard turned around. We both shut up. He looked at my sweater, then back to the other guard, and then facepalmed.

"Huh," The Dragon-Guard turned back to the other Guard. "What is it bro?"

"That shirt they're wearing..."

"Like, what about it?" They both turned to face us. They paused for a brief moment, before turning back around to form a huddle.

"Bro... are you thinkin, what I'm thinkin? They turned back to us for a second before going back to the huddle.

"Bummer. This is, like... mega embarrassing." They both looked at us, trying to be as intimidating as possible. It was working. "We, like, actually totally have to kill you and stuff..." and all the color drained from the area, as my SOUL was involuntarily brought out.

I heard Chara's voice in my head ' Royal Guard attacks! ' but she definitely didn't say anything... odd. Both Royal Guards looked incredibly bouncy, and both held large swords.

Before they got the chance to attack, I called out the ACT button and pressed its surface, the orange border turned yellow as a cacophony of strange whispering voices filled my head. I focused on discerning the sounds and got 3 distinct ACTions.

                        *Check      *Clean Armor

     What a strange set of actions. I thought. I decided to Check. Again, without realizing, I listed general information about my opponent.

     "Royal Guard Owen, ATK 30, DEF 20. Royal Guard member with shining, polished armor. Royal Guard Ohtu, ATK 30, DEF 20. Royal Guard member with stuffy armor."

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