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We woke up in a dump. It looked a lot like my birthplace just, more tolerable. We both stood up and looked around. It looked very... wet.
     "Your cast is broken." He pointed at my left arm, the cast of bones was shattered on the wood we woke up on. My arm wasn't broken anymore, I knew that I was a fast healer but not that fast.
"So it is."
"Isn't your arm still broken? It's only been about a week."
"I'm a fast healer. I heal about 6 times faster than the normal human. Notice the cuts I had over my face are gone now, and you can barely see the scars." He just looked dumbfounded. "My hair also grows fast, too. It's already past my shoulders." I swooshed my hair back to accentuate my point.
"You never fail to surprise me, woman."
"I know. C'mon, we've got places to be, I want to see more of waterfall!" We walked onwards. I saw a dummy, the kind you would beat up or put clothing on, face down in the water. I picked up the dummy and stood it upright and we kept walking. The dummy jumped in front of us.
     "I am a ghost that lives inside a DUMMY. My cousin used to live inside a DUMMY, too. Until... YOU CAME ALONG! When you talked to them, they thought they were in for a nice chat... But the things you SAID...! Horrible. Shocking! UNBELIEVABLE! It spooked them right out of their dummy! HUMAN! I'll scare your SOUL out of your body!" I was trying to tell him that I never talked to another dummy, but he wasn't having any of it. Just as he was about to 'scare my SOUL out of my body' A friendly ghost came along and scared him, instead. I love irony. The dummy fell to the ground and you could hear a faint scream into the distance.
"oh............ you were having such a nice conversation......... then i ruined it........ sorry....... do you want to come over to my house.......... if you don't that's fine too......... ok bye....." the ghost floated off into the distance. Me and Chara looked at each other and shrugged. We walked through the area into a nice, little town. There was a sign labeled 'Waterfall City' there were a few houses dotted around, all unique in their own way. One was even shaped like a fish. The fountain in the middle had a couple g in the glowing waters. I threw 6g in the fountain and the fountain gurgled a low:
"No problem, buddy." The fountain smiled audibly and we went about our days. We followed the ghost to his house which is right next to a house that's the exact same just pink. Inside it was pretty open, a couple tape recorders on the ground, a fridge, and a computer.
"oh..... you accually came........ ok...... you can like... chill I guess...... or not...... both are cool.... I'm napstablook........"
"Hey is that Napster?" I pointed to his computer screen.
"yeah...... they're chill about monsters......... and stuff........ you can listen to my music over there.......... or not......" I grabbed some of the tape recorders and played them. Spooky. Chara's stomach started growling.
"Do you have any—"
"yeah....... i've got this ghost salad....." I went to grab it when it passed right through me. "it's for him......." he pointed to Chara. Oh, well I mean, I guess he can see him because they're both ghosts but... I don't know it seems plotholey.
"Wait how is the salad a ghost salad?" The salad whispered:
"Et tu Brutus?"
One salad later, I decided I wanted to check out the other stuff around the property, there was a pen filled with snails.
"welcome to blook family acres...... we have a snail farm..... there used to be a lot of business..... but we lost our best customer...... now it's just some hairy guy that shows up once a month......"
"We accually have to go, but it was nice meeting you Napstablook!" We headed off. It was getting late, I think. There's no way to tell, it's always a soft glow.
Chara and I made our way to a nearby Inn, where we got a room and started to settle down for the night. Around midnight, he started to stir.
"Hey, Chara. You okay?" He got up and started rummaging through our bag.
"Hold on," He pulled out a single slice of Butterscotch Pie that we still had from Toriel's house. It was a little smooshed in it's container, but overall still fine. He then proceeded to light one of the magical matches and stick in in the slice like a candle. "There." He gestured to sit beside him at the table. I smiled.
"What's all this about?"
"It's your birthday...right?"
"It's the 28th?"
"Of September, yeah."
"I mean, yeah it's my birthday, but how did you know? I haven't told you."
"I-I dunno. You just... feel older, I guess."
"I feel older?"
"Maybe it's because of that feeling in our SOULs."
"Maybe." I sat down beside him.
"You could say we're... SOULmates?"
"C'mon! You know I'm funny."
"That was one of your better ones." I found a plastic fork and blew out the match. The flames turned into glittering particles before disappearing completely.
"Te quiero, alma gemela." Chara spoke differently. Just hearing this new accent made my heart flutter.
"Wh-what does that mean?"
"It means I love you, soulmate." Chara was still speaking in his accent. My face felt warmer with every word.
"That accent," Chara's eyes widened.
"¡Oh! S-sorry, it's just a bad habit I picked up from... well, that's not important. Sorry again." He forced himself back into his regular speech.
"N-nonono! I... I kinda liked it." We were both blushing hard.
"Are you sure? I mean, doesn't it sound... wrong?"
"Please?" I moved over so that I was in his lap facing him, my legs were behind him and my arms rested over his shoulders. I could feel his now tangible body, and his heavy breaths smelled like flowers. "For the birthday girl?"
"You are..." His accent was back to play, and so was another part of him, too. "... So hot right now."
"N-no, that's totally you... Talk to me more in Spanish."
"Hay tantas cosas que me encantaría hacer contigo, pero no estoy seguro de qué límites se me permite cruzar. Han pasado tantas cosas en mi vida. Cosas malas. Eres lo único que me queda y quiero que sepas exactamente cuánto te quiero, incluso si las palabras no pueden expresar todo lo que siento." I didn't understand a single word he just said, but it was definitely a big turn-on. Every "s" sounded like a sigh, his voice dripped with emotion, and it all just flowed together into a deep kiss. I moved in any way which felt natural, and Chara accommodated accordingly. I felt him, and he felt me. The line separating us was blurred and I was okay melting into the moment, as long as the moment was with him. He pulled back. "D-does this mean...? Are we...?" As much as I wanted to, and as much as I felt him wanting to, I wasn't entirely comfortable going 'all the way' with him.
"I'm... I don't think I'm ready for that."
"R-Right, no, yeah, I understand. S-sorry." He was bright red, though, I'm not sure I was too far off to match.
"This isn't a no... it's a not yet." He looked back at me. "Give it awhile and who knows? I might come around." He stiffened at the thought. And yes, that was a double-entendre, thank you for asking. "Until then... I'm sure we could find some way to amuse ourselves." I never did get around to eating the pie.

I'll probably have it for breakfast.

Snail Fact #10
Snails do not have hands.

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