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Wait to play the music, we have to build suspense first~

Long ago, two races ruled over the earth:

Monsters and Humans.

They were the creations of

A God who abandoned us.

They all lived blissfully unaware of pain and suffering before

They all disappeared without a trace.


Somethings... not right. I wasn't anywhere near a SAVE point, but still... it was all RESET. I know it was, I felt every atom disintegrate, like grains of sand falling through my fingers.

Flowey LV 9999 Chapter 999999
My World

Continue Restart

This wasn't my SAVE file. I tried to RESET, but... my hand wouldn't budge. I'm scared. Why am I alone? Where am I? I woke up in a completely blank area. There was no floor, no walls. This wasn't like the VOID. At least the VOID was a tangible force this... this was just nothing. Like everything was just ripped away, right from under me.

I approached a SAVE shard. I held it close to my heart, trying to feel something, anything. But in my hands, the shard cracked, and split, before it turned to dust. It slipped through my fingers, but instead of hitting the ground, it rose into the air and swirled around until a large CRT TV screen could be faintly seen in the darkness. The dust faded into nothingness as Flowey's huge face appeared. It glitched and skipped, sometimes cutting to static.

"What the hell did you do?"

"Howdy to you too! You remember me!"


"Tee hee! That's right, it's ME. FLOWEY the FLOWER! I owe you a HUGE thanks. You really did a number on that old fool. Without you I NEVER could have gotten past him."

"I remember you saying the opposite last time."

"You scratch my back, and well... I'll claw you up into pieces!" His face morphed into something that could be considered Asgore, if you really wanted to insult Asgore. "And now, with YOUR help... he's DEAD." His face quickly decomposed into that of Asgore's corpse, if monsters had corpses, that is. "And IVE got the human SOULS!" His TV cut out and high pitched laughter reverberated around the entire empty space. "Boy!" He returned, but I felt large, pulsating waves of warm, wet air wash over me. It smelled like rotting meat and foliage. "I've been empty for so long... it feels great to have a SOUL inside me again. Mmmm. I can feel the wriggling." I hope my face reflected the pure amount of disgust I felt. "Aww, you're feeling left out, aren'tcha? Well, that's just perfect. After all, I only have 6 SOULs. I still need one more before I can become

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