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(You decided to kindly decline and leave the dimension instead of staying.)

(After: "Healer")

"I'm..really sorry, Steve.. but, I have to go back. I know, you really want out, but, I just can't stay..." With pain in your eyes you look into his, regretting but also determined to go back home.

"....I understand... Have a good day.." Steve was understandably sad, but stepped back timidly, allowing you to leave as you wished.

With a deep sigh, you stood before the portal, mesmerized by the swirling liquid-like substance thin like glass ahead of you. Glancing one last, sorry glance at Steve, you stepped through.

On the other side, through the purple fogging your eyes, you could see a room ahead. You gasped as you took half a step out from the portal. An entire ARSENAL of weapons lined the two walls which formed the large hallway. No one was there, thankfully, but there were signs it hadn't been long since someone's last visit.

You couldn't believe it. Armor stands too lined the hallway in front of every pillar. And this armor wasn't anything that could be created in the real world, either. Netherite armor which glowed like in-game enchantments stood on ahead. Netherite swords, axes, and pickaxes also lined the walls. It was clear whoever was doing this, wasn't simply preparing to defend themselves on your average Monday.

Suddenly a hand grabbed your wrist which was still lingering in the portal. You shrieked as you were pulled back through.

You fell to the floor, your skinner raping on hard stone.

"I'm really sorry about this." He sorta sounded genuinely apologetic. "But revolution waits for no man! I am needed beyond... Thanks..for involuntarily taking my place."

And before you could even stand, he was gone.

( --> "Wish Granter")

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now